‘NCIS’ Season 17, February 4, 2020 Episode 15 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “NCIS” fans. We unfortunately had to jump back on here today to alert you of some really bad news. It turns out that it’s one of those times again. CBS will not be airing the next, new episode 15 of this current NCIS season 17 tonight, February 4, 2020.
Here’s the good news. The delay will only be for one week this time. The new episode 15 is officially scheduled to air next Tuesday night, February 11, 2020 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, be sure to definitely remember that very important date and time.
What will CBS air instead of the new episode 15 of NCIS tonight? According to the TV guide listings, CBS will air a repeat episode of NCIS. The repeat episode will be the very first episode of this current season 17. It’s titled, “Out Of The Darkness.”
CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “In the Season 17 premiere, Ziva surprises Gibbs with a cryptic warning, prompting him to question why she remained underground for years while being presumed dead by family and friends, and what led to her return.”
If any of you guys happened to have missed that episode, or you just want to watch it again, you might still want to flip the channel to CBS tonight. However, if you don’t, you will most certainly want to get a new set of plans together real quick.
With that said, CBS did deliver a new press release and preview photos for the next, new episode 15 of NCIS’ current 17th season. These items do contain light spoiler teasers. So, if spoilers aren’t your thing, we would definitely suggest that you stop reading this article immediately.
If you like reading spoilers, or you don’t mind seeing spoilers, we definitely think you should stick around for this next segment.
Now that our spoiler warning it out of the way, let’s talk about this new episode 15 press release. For starters, it reveals that episode 15 is officially titled, “Lonely Hearts.”
It sounds like episode 15 will feature some pretty interesting, possible romantic, intense, dramatic and action-filled scenes.
In the new episode 15, the NCIS crew will be investigating another murder, and they will have a lead suspect in mind. However, it turns out that their lead suspect is actually a woman that one of Gibbs’ friends knows from a dating site. The woman’s name is Phillip Brooks.
Elsewhere, Sloane might encounter some romance in this episode as a secret admirer is popping up for her on Valentine’s Day!
CBS’ official description for episode 15 reads like this, “The lead suspect in an NCIS murder investigation is a woman Gibbs’ friend, Phillip Brooks (Don Lake), met on a dating site. Also, Sloane has a secret admirer on Valentine’s Day.”
The new preview photos for episode 15 feature agents Gibbs, Bishop and McGee in a scene together. They’re doing another investigation out in the woods somewhere. It looks pretty serious. Palmer is seen out there with them too.
Agent Torres is seen smiling in one of the photos. So, that looks like a happy moment for Torres. One other photo shows two characters that are in some major trouble as they are tied to their chairs.
You guys can view all the preview photos for episode 15 over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.
Episode 15 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Don Lake as character (Retired Navy Captain Phillip Brooks), Daphne Zuniga as character (Navy Commander Stacy Gordon), Andy Comeau as character (M.P.D. Detective Tom Logan), Brynn Thayer as character (Adams County Sheriff’s Department Sheriff Mary Talbot), Brian Ames as character (Matthew Duques), Desi Dennis-Dylan as character (Sloane Jackston), Caroline Whitney Smith as character (Molly) and Bryce McBratnie as character (Chet).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 15 are: Mark Harmon as character (NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs), Sean Murray as character (NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee), Emily Wickersham as character (NCIS Special Agent Eleanor “Ellie” Bishop), Wilmer Valderrama as character (NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres).
Season regulars continued: Maria Bello as character (NCIS Special Agent Jaqueline “Jack” Sloane), Brian Dietzen as character (Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer), Diona Reasonover as character (Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines), Rocky Carroll as character (NCIS Director Leon Vance) and David McCallum as character (Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard).
Episode 15 was written by Brendan Fehily, and it was directed by Tawnia McKiernan. Again, CBS confirmed that episode 15 is scheduled to air next Tuesday night, February 11, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “NCIS” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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