‘Legacies’ Season 2, April 2, 2020 Episode 17 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey,”Legacies” fans. We unfortunately have some very, very bad news for you guys. For those of you who didn’t know, Legacies current season 2 has gone on a hiatus due to this crazy virus pandemic. Apparently, the Legacies production crew were unable to finish filming or editing the last 4 episodes of season 2.
That’s right, guys. Season 2 actually has 20 episodes that were scheduled. They only aired 16 so far due to the crisis. The main executive producer for Legacies Julie Plec recently went on record as calling episode 16 the Spring finale episode. As most of you know, episode 16 aired last week March 26, 2020. It ended with poor Hope stuck in Josie’s mind.
Julie Plec hopped on Twitter ,last week, to make the official statement for the season 2 break. She wrote, “#Legacies fans! Tonight, after some herculean efforts by our post production team (have YOU ever tried mixing an episode from home???), we will air our “Spring Finale” (aka ep 216).
More episodes to come as soon as we all go back to work! But until then, #StayHomeSaveLives.” You guys can view that tweet on Julie Plec’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Unfortunately, we have no idea when you guys can expect to see the remainder of this current Legacies season 2. That will all depend on how quickly the powers that be can get rid of this crazy pandemic that’s going on right now.
We do have some good news for you guys. The CW did renew Legacies for a brand new season 3! So, not only do you have the rest of season 2 to look forward to, you also have a whole other season 3 that’s coming down the pipeline when this mess we’re currently in finally clears up.
According to a recent report from the folks over at TV Line, The CW will now be airing the second season of “In The Dark” in Legacies usual 8 pm central standard time slot, starting on April 16, 2020. It was originally scheduled to start airing on May 28, 2020.
The CW’s official description for the first episode of “In The Dark’s” new season 2 reads like this, “Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) is on the mend from her terrifying encounter with Dean (Rich Sommer), but Nia’s (guest star Nicki Micheaux) visit spurs her into action.
Murphy, Jess (Brooke Markham) and Felix (Morgan Krantz) must act quickly to devise a plan that will keep them out of Nia’s crosshairs and, possibly, save Guiding Hope in the process.”
The official premise for “In The Dark” reads like this, “In the Dark follows a hard drinking and smoking blind woman, Murphy Mason (Mattfield). When she stumbles upon the body of a drug dealing kid, Tyson (Mpumlwana), who once saved her from a mugger, Dean Riley (Sommer) and the other cops find her drunken account less than convincing and nobody in sight.
Frustrated and heart-broken, Murphy, her guide dog, Pretzel, and best friend, Jess Damon (Markham), set out to uncover the truth about Tyson’s fate. Murphy will do whatever it takes — even if that means setting down her drink.”
If that sounds like something you guys might want to check out while Legacies is away, keep tuning in to The CW, starting April 16, 2020.
As for tonight, April 2, 2020, The CW will air a repeat episode of Legacies. It will be the 13th episode of this season 2 titled, “You Can’t Save Them All.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Hope finds herself in a race against the clock as the threat of the prophecy looms and the pressure to rescue the Saltzmans grows.
Meanwhile, Alaric’s attempt to keep his family safe leads him to make a difficult decision. Aria Shahghasemi, Kaylee Bryant, Jenny Boyd, Peyton Alex Smith, Quincy Fouse and Chris Lee also star. Jeff Hunt directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Thomas Brandon.”
Then next Thursday night , April 9,2020, The CW will air a repeat episode of “DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW” in the 8 pm central standard time slot. This repeat episode will be the first episode of its current season 5 titled, “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same.”
Currently, we have no details for the next, new episode 17 of Legacies season 2 since they have not filmed it yet or put out any sort of a press release for it.
Hopefully, Julie Plec will serve up some new spoiler scoops to the media in the coming weeks or months. Season 16 ended with poor Hope still stuck in Josie’s mind after being turned to stone by Josie’s black magic alter ego. So, we are very curious to get more intel on that scenario.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Legacies” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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