Big Brother 22 Spoilers: August 14, 2020 Safety Suite Winner & Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back with some very important new reports from inside the Big Brother season 22 All-Stars house. Today, August 14, 2020, two big events just took place. They were the Safety Suite twist competition and the eviction nominations.
In this article, we’re going to talk about the Safety Suite competition first since it went down first. Then we’ll dive right into the eviction nominations. As we previously reported, Memphis won the HOH (Head Of Household) competition last night, August 13, 2020 to become the new ruler of the house.
Then just hours ago, the Safety Suite comp was played. Janelle and Kaysar were not eligible to play it because they played it last week. Each houseguest can only play for it once.
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, Christmas, Bayleigh, Cody, David, Da’Vonne, Ian and Kevin all decided to play the Safety Suite comp this week.
So, it appears that Memphis didn’t make a lot of people feel safe ,this week, during the 1 on 1 conversations.
Anyways, when it all said and done, Christmas won the Safety Suite comp, and she chose Ian to be her +1. So, that means Christmas and Ian are both automatically safe from eviction this week. It’s reported that the theme for the Safety Suite was a bar setting.
A few hours after the Safety Suite competition, Memphis held his nomination ceremony to nominate two people for eviction this week. After it was done, it was revealed that Memphis nominated David and Nicole Anthony from season 21.
What’s really interesting is that it was also revealed that Memphis came at David quite aggressively during his nomination speech. David was seen talking about it with Christmas on the LIVE feeds. David mentioned that Memphis told him,”Hey, buddy. Welcome to the grown-ups table.” We got bits and pieces of what Memphis said.
Bayleigh and Da’Vonne also talked with David about how Memphis came at him during the nomination ceremony. They definitely didn’t like it. They told David, “You don’t need to prove yourself to anybody. They picked you to be on all-stars for a reason.”
Bayleigh and Da’ Vonne also told David that they will take him off the block if they get to play and win veto.
Kaysar talked with David to give him some encouraging words. He told David to not take what Memphis said to him personally. Kaysar said, “I think Memphis just meant it in a competitive way. Don’t let it get you down to the point where you can’t function and play the game.”
After that, David seem to get himself together. He told the cams, “I’m going to try and win that veto, and campaign to stay if I don’t win it. I just hate that I’m on the block with Nicole. She’s like my little sister.”
So, it appears that things just got real in the Big Brother season 22, All-Stars house. If you thought the first week was pretty boring and slow, I think you might have a different opinion after this second week.
I have a feeling that this will be one hell of a week. It will most certainly be a wake-up call for David to either step it up or go home.
The POV (Power Of Veto) is scheduled to be played tomorrow, August 15, 2020. So, we’ll be right back on here after that to let you guys know who won it and what the outlook is.
How do you guys feel about David and Nicole Anthony getting nominated for eviction this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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