‘Big Brother’ August 13, 2020 Evicted Keesha Smith, New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 13, 2020, the first, LIVE eviction episode of Big Brother season 22, All-Stars did indeed air, and a unlucky houseguest was surely sent packing after it was all said and done.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage that took place in the house after Enzo decided not to use the veto at the POV ceremony. Enzo told the private cams aka The Diary Room, “I didn’t use the veto because I wanted to protect Cody from getting more blood on his hands.”
Cody told the private cams, “I want Kevin to stay because he’s more beneficial for my game, but I want the house to come to their own conclusion.”
Janelle told the private cams, “It’s better for my game if Keesha stays, but I need to let Keesha get the votes on her own. In the past, I would try to run around and get the votes for who I wanted to stay. I’m not going to do that this time.”
Cody and Memphis decided to name their alliance “The Commission.” Memphis came up with the name.
Tyler told the private cams, “I want to make sure Bailey and I are cool ,and that she’s not coming for me.” So, Tyler went and talked to Bailey. Bailey told Tyler, “Your game play was good. It’s no use for us to feel uncomfortable around each other, but we can pretend we still don’t like each other.”
Kevin and Nicole Anthony talked about doing a final 2 deal. Nicole Anthony told the private cams, “I really don’t want Kevin to go home this week because I want to go to the end with him.”
Memphis and Cody talked about building sub-alliances to protect their Commission alliance. Memphis rounded up Nicole Franzel, Dani, Tyler and Christmas ,separately, to see if they wanted to work together, and they all agreed to it.
There was a funny moment where Keehsa was talking to Janelle ,and she referred to Tyler as Taylor and Trevor. She really couldn’t remember Tyler’s name. Janelle really wasn’t feeling good about Keesha’s chances after that moment.
Cody pulled in Da’Vonne and Bailey to join him and Enzo to round out his sub-alliance. Christmas told Cody, “I think we should keep Keesha over Kevin because she’s easier to beat.” Nicole Franzel told Cody, “I like Kevin. He said he will keep me safe.”
Next, Keesha and Kevin gave their exit speeches. Afterwards, David, Nicole Anthony, Ian, Nicole Franzel, Tyler, Christmas, Kaysar, Bailey, Da’Vonne, Janelle, Enzo, Dani and Memphis all voted to evict Keesha.
No one voted to evict Kevin. So, with a unanimous vote of 13-0, Keesha was sadly evicted from the Big Brother season 22 house tonight. Keesha gave everyone a hug goodbye to go do her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves.
Keesha said she was annoyed by how certain people kept avoiding her and what not. She got some sweet goodbye messages.
After all of that, the remaining 15 houseguests competed for the next HOH (Head of Household). This HOH comp was titled,”Big Brother Watch Party.” It was a memory quiz comp. Memphis ended up pulling out the win! So, Memphis is the new HOH for this week. Who will he nominate for eviction? That is the big question.
We will find out sometime tomorrow, August 14, 2020, and let you guys know. So, definitely stay tuned for that.
How do you guys feel about Keesha Smith from season 10 getting evicted tonight? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
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The next, new Big Brother season 22 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 16, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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