Big Brother 22 Spoilers: August 30, 2020 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you ,today, to deliver some more very important Big Brother season 22 news. Yesterday, August 29, 2020, the POV (Power Of Veto) competition did indeed take place and a winner was revealed that could shake up the way this week turns out! Finally, we may have a good twist in the way this week turns out.
Before we tell you who won the POV, we’re going to do a brief recap of this week ,so far, to make sure everyone is up to speed. This past Thursday night, August 27, 2020, Enzo won the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition to become the new HOH.
Then on Friday,August 28, 2020, the nomination ceremony took place. During it, Enzo decided to throw Kaysar and Kevin on the chopping block with Kaysar being the main target. Enzo revealed that his backup plan was to throw Ian on the block if either Kevin or Kaysar win the veto and take themselves off the block.
And that all leads us to yesterday’s POV competition. According the folks over at the Big BrotherNetwork , Enzo and his two eviction nominees Kaysar and Kevin played for veto. Tyler, Bayleigh and David were randomly selected to join them to play for veto.
When everything was all said and done, it was Kevin who emerged as the winner of the POV competition! Yes indeedy, guys. How Kevin pulled off a win is a mystery to me, but he did it, and he will surely change the possible outlook of this entire week because we’re sure he’ll be smart enough to use the veto to pull himself off the chopping block.
That, of course, will leave Enzo having to put up a replacement nominee for eviction. If he sticks to his original plan, we could very well see Ian go up as the replacement nominee for Kevin at the POV ceremony tomorrow.
Let’s look at some of these post-POV comp, LIVE feed conversations to see what’s going on.
At around 9:35 pm pacific time, August 29, 2020, Cody told Dani,”I expect Enzo to renom David.” Dani said, “I think it’ll be Ian.” Regardless of who the replacement nominee is, they both said they would vote to evict Kaysar.
At around 10:35 pm, Enzo was seen saying, “I’m confident whoever goes up next to Kaysar will remain safe.”
At around 11:05 pm, Cody told Enzo, “Whatever you want to happen this week, will because we control the votes.” Nicole told Enzo, “I’m okay with you putting Ian up as a pawn.” Enzo said, “I don’t want to do that.”
At around 12:30 am today, August 30, 2020,Nicole, Cody, Tyler and Dani discuss in the HOH room that if Ian goes up, Memphis may try to flip the vote.
At around 1 am, Bayleigh told Enzo, “If a big target goes up as the renom, we can vote that person out and then worry about Kaysar next week.”
At around 2:30 am, Enzo told Da’Vonne,”I like Kaysar’s efforts to get back into the group, but it’s time for Kaysar to go.”
At around 3:25 am, Enzo told Cody and Dani, “Christmas offered to go up as a pawn.” They are happy with that plan because they feel the house won’t send out a fourth woman in a row.
Judging from those conversations, Enzo definitely still wants to get Kaysar out this Thursday night, September 3, 2020. However, the replacement nominee could be either Ian or Christmas. I’m actually surprised that Christmas volunteered to be a pawn. I thought she was playing a little smarter than that this season. Oh well.
We will definitely find out who the replacement nominee is after the POV ceremony takes place tomorrow, August 31, 2020. So, be sure to look out for our report on how that plays out.
How do you guys feel about Kevin winning the POV this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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