New Power Book II Ghost Spoilers For Season 1, December 27, 2020 Episode 9 Revealed

Hey “Power Book II: Ghost” fans. We hope you thoroughly enjoyed watching episode 8 tonight. Now that it’s officially come and gone, we are back to give you some idea of what’s coming up in the next, new episode 9 of Power Book II: Ghost’s current season 1, which is due to arrive next Sunday night,December 27,2020.
Once again, STARZ is late to the party in getting out an official episode 9 press release, but they certainly know how to get those preview clips released rather early. Yes indeedy, we do have an official episode 9 preview clip. So, that is what we’ll have to use as source for this spoiler session just like the last time. Let’s get started.
First thing’s first. We have been informed that the new episode 9 is officially entitled, “Monster.”
The new episode 9 preview clip starts out with a scene that features Cane in action, talking about rolling with Tariq.
Next, the clip cuts to a scene that features Tariq and Monet having a conversation. During it, Tariq mentions Cane’s name, and Monet immediately tells Tariq, “You don’t say that name anymore.” Right after that, Tariq says, “I’m just saying I think we should wait until all eyes are off of us.”
From there, the clip cuts to a scene that features Tasha in some very intense phone call action. She’s been making full use of her phone privileges this whole season that is for sure. Anyways, Tasha is presumably speaking with Tariq on this phone call. Whoever it is, Tasha says, “You need to slow down.”
Finally, the clip closes out with another Tariq scene. He’s seen saying,”I’m not a monster I swear.” Then he’s told, “You are a monster. The sooner you accept it, the better off you’ll be.” You guys can view the new episode 9 preview clip for yourselves over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
STARZ confirmed that the next, new episode 9 of Power Book II: Ghost’s current season 1 is indeed scheduled to hit the airwaves next Sunday night, December 27, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Power Book II: Ghost” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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