The Bachelor March 15, 2021 Matt’s Final Lady Revealed (Recap) Plus The New Bachelorette 2021 Revealed

The Bachelor March 15, 2021 Matt’s Final Lady Revealed (Recap) Plus The New Bachelorette 2021 Revealed

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, March 15, 2021,the finale episode of The Bachelor 2021 edition with headliner Matt James did indeed air, and we finally found out who he picked to be his final lady.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with Matt talking about what he likes most about his two final women Michelle and Rachael.

After that, Matt was seen talking with his mother Patty and brother John for a little bit. He pumped up Rachael and Michelle to them. Patty told Matt, “I can’t wait to meet the girls,” but she told the private cams, “It’s a long shot that Matt will be engaged after this.”

Patty and Matt’s bother John greeted Michelle with friendly hugs and smiles. From there, John talked with Michelle. John asked Michelle, “What’s the best quality you like in Matt?” Michelle said, “It’s that I know I can trust him. That’s the biggest thing.” After that, Michelle told John why her last relationship ended.

John seemed very impressed with Michelle, and he told the private cams of Michelle, “Matt has found someone that’s a good match for him.”

Michelle talked with Patty. Michelle told her about her family life growing up. Patty said Matt always gravitated towards people with big families when he was younger. ” I always regretted not being able to give that to him.” Michelle told Patty she thinks Matt’s upbringing helped him appreciate things that other people might take for granted, and she just offered up positive words to Patty.

Patty told Michelle she has a sweet heart, and they hugged. Patty told Matt, “I can see why Michelle made final 2. She’s really sweet and easy to be around. I’m glad to see you happy.” After that, Michelle and Matt ended off their family date with a snowball fight, and they kissed.

Next up, we were shown footage of Rachael coming to meet Matt’s family. Rachael greeted Matt with a hug and kiss. Patty and John greeted Rachel with a “nice to meet you” and hugs.

Rachael and John talked. John asked Rachael, “How many serious relationships have you been in?” Rachael told John she had been in two relationships, but she was never truly in love with someone. She went on to say that Matt is the other part of her that she needed. “I really a see a future with him,” she said.

Patty and Rachael talked. Rachael told Patty, “Love is what will really put meaning in my life. A lot of little things made me fall in love with Matt. I like the way he made me feel.” Patty told Rachael, “What you said means a lot to me.” Rachael said, “Matt is the most incredible man I’ve ever met in my entire life.” Then they hugged.

Matt and Rachael ended this family date segment off with a hug and kiss. Patty told Matt, “I really enjoyed talking to both of the girls, but do you really see yourself marrying them?” Matt said, “Yes, absolutely.”

Patty told Matt, “Feelings come and go. There’s nothing like being in love, but people fall in and out of love all the time. It’s not the end all be all.”

John told Matt, “I’ll support you in anything you do, but don’t feel like you have to make a decision that you’re not ready for.” Matt really took Patty’s words to heart. He told the private cams, “I’m starting to wonder if I’m doing something I’m not ready for. The assurance I was looking for was replaced with some doubt. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”

Matt talked with host Chris Harrison at this point. Matt told Chris about what Patty told him about how love comes and goes and that he’s not sure if he’s ready to commit. Chris commented on what Patty said saying, “Don’t worry. Love ends. What kind of greeting card is that?” Matt agreed that it wouldn’t be a best seller.

Matt said, “I just want to take my time and make sure I’m making the right decision. I just want to stay open-minded about everything.” Matt told the private cams, “I don’t want there to be any doubt going into this final rose ceremony.”

Next, Matt and Michelle went on their 1 on 1 date. During it, He took her to repel down the side of a very large building to get to a dinner table that was set up inside of a heart drawing. They had a lot of fun, and they kissed as they repelled down the building. When they made it to the dinner table, they talked for a bit.

During the second half of their date, they talked a little bit about their repelling adventure. Michelle told Matt, “I would do it again. I’m in love with you. I can’t imagine having someone else as my mate.” Then she gave Matt two gifts. They were Jerseys that had Mr. James and Mrs. James on them. She said it symbolizes that they are a team.

At this point, things got bad because Matt broke the news to her saying, “I’m having doubts, and I shouldn’t have any doubts. Having any doubts is scary.”

Michelle said, “I just want clarity. Tell me were you’e at actually.” Matt told her, “I don’t think I can get there with you.” Michelle teared up and said, “I let it all out on the table. That’s all I can do.” Matt hugged her and said, “I’m sorry.” Poor Michelle was seen crying after Matt left.

Matt told the private cams, “Right now, I’m just trying to stay afloat.” Chris Harrison showed up to talk to Matt. Matt told Chris, “I loved Michelle, but I wasn’t in love with her.” Matt told the private cams that he’s not ready to propose to Rachael either.

Next, we saw Rachael preparing to go on her 1 on 1 date with Matt, but Chris Harrison showed up to her room and told her that Matt needs some time, right now, and that there’s not going to be a 1 on 1 date for her. “We will let you know what Matt decides a soon as possible,” he said.

Rachael told the private cams, “I just feel hurt and confused. I feel pretty much in the dark right now. I feel very blindsided, It just hurts.” Then she cried.

The diamond ring guy Neil Lane showed up to talk to Matt. Neil told Matt, “I admire that you’re really thinking about things before you make a decision like this because marriage is a commitment. Too many people rush into these things.” Then they looked at rings, and Matt did end up choosing a ring.

Matt sent Rachael a note saying, “You deserve answers. Meet me at the lake.” Matt told Chris, “I love Rachael. The more I say it, the more assured I am in that feeling. I’m still nervous going into this.”

Rachael greeted Matt with a hug. She told him, “I hated going into today on yesterday’s note, but what I hated the most is the feeling of you possibly hurting and feeling confused. When you’re hurting, I’m hurting. I will not run when the going gets tough. I don’t know if you still want this. I just feel lucky to have been able to feel this way. I just want you to be happy. I will choose you everyday if you’ll let me.”

Matt told Rachael, “Everything I came her looking for, I found with you. I want to be everything for you that my dad wasn’t to my mom. I’ve seen what rushing into a proposal can do. It’s ugly. That’s why I can’t propose to you today, but that doesn’t mean I want to lose you.

When I think about spending my life with someone, I think of you. I love you. I just want to make sure my love is enough for you.” Rachael said, “Of course it is. I really do picture my life with you after this.” Then they kissed, and he gave her the final rose.

That was the end of the 2-hour finale episode. Then they showed the “After The Final Rose” show, which revealed that this was no happily ever after.

Host Chris Harrison had been replaced by On-air personality and bestselling author Emmanuel Acho. From what I know, Chris is currently on the outs with ABC due to some racially insensitive comments that were said.

Anyways, Emmanuel talked with Michelle first. She mentioned that she wanted to have one last conversation with Matt right after he had dumped her, and he would not let her. She felt some type of bad way about that.

From there, Matt showed up. Michelle confronted Matt about him not giving her a chance to talk to him one last time after he dumped her. She said, ” I wasn’t trying to change your mind or anything. I just wanted to get some closure.” Matt apologized to her for not letting her talk to him, and she accepted it.

Next, Emmanuel pointed out that it was revealed that Matt’s final lady Rachael Kirkconnell was involved in some racially insensitive activities back in 2018, and that it was exposed all over social media.

Apparently, Rachael had attended an Antebellum plantation party. Rachael came out to talk about the allegations. She explained that she was totally ignorant about what the Antebellum party meant to African American people. At the time, she thought she was just partying with friends.

Rachael went on to explain that Matt did ultimately break up with her over it. She said that she feels very sorry for hurting him. She said she knows she must have really hurt him because their relationship was going so well before the photos got exposed.

Eventually, Matt came on to talk to Rachael. He greeted her with a hug. He told Rachael she needs to put in the work on her own with this particular situation, and that’s why they can’t be in a relationship. At one point in the show, Matt told Emmanuel that he doesn’t think Rachael understands what it means to be black in America.

Ultimately, Rachael told Matt, “You’re the reason why I did this show. I fell in love with all parts of you. I don’t see anyone else out for there for me.

Since day one, all I wanted is for you to be happy. I just want what’s best for you. I’m sorry. I just thank God that he put you in my life to begin with. I will always be thankful for the time we shared together.” Matt said, “I don’t think it will ever not hurt hearing those things.”

After all of that, Emmanuel ended the show by revealing that Michelle Young and Katie Thurston from this Bachelor 2021 season will both be the New Bachelorette headliners in separate seasons! Katie is going to headline the summer 2021 edition. Then there’s going to be another Fall 2021 edition, which Michelle will headline.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this Bachelor 2021 edition with Matt James. What did you think? Let us know in the comments section, and we’ll see you this summer for The Bachelorette 2021 edition with Katie Thurston.

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