Tough As Nails April 14, 2021 Finale Episode Winner Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight, April 14,2021, the finale of “Tough As Nails” current season 2 did indeed air, and a winner was totally revealed to cap this thing off.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Phil Keoghan reminding the final 4 contestants: Sarah, Zeus, Swifty and Scott that the winner of this season gets to take home a cool, $200,000 dollars and a 2021 Ford, F-150 pick up truck.
Then Phil gave them their first challenge for this episode. They were grouped into pairs for this challenge. Since Sarah won the last individual challenge, she got to pick who she was paired with. She ended up choosing Scott. That means Zeus and Swifty were paired up by default.
In this challenge, they had to build a steel beam structure. It involved them having to give proper instructions to crane operators so they could place the steel beams in the right spots.
Sarah and Scott ran into issues with one of their beams started spiraling out of control at one point, which caused them to waste time. Swifty and Zeus experienced some issues communicating to the crane operators.
Despite all that, both teams got through it, and it was a very close race. At one point, Zeus and Swifty took the lead. Then, Sarah and Scott took the lead back. It was extremely close all the way until the end. It came down to each of the teams getting their last bolts screwed into place to raise a flag, and Scott and Sarah just edged out Zeus and Swifty for the win!
That means Swifty and Zeus had to go head to head in an overtime challenge to make it into the final 3. The overtime challenge was very straight forward. During it, Zeus and Swifty had to climb a steel column as fast as they can and ring a bell for the win.
Zeus got up there quicker than Swifty by a couple of inches to ring that bell for the win! So, Zeus advanced to the final 3, and poor Swifty finally got eliminated at this point.
Just before the last competition of this season began, Patrick “Freight Train” finally made his return after being injured and quarantined a few episodes back. He was there to show support, and he gave everyone a hug.
Zeus, Sarah and Scott all got video messages from their families since they couldn’t be there in person due to the terrible Covid pandemic.
Next, we were shown the final competition to determine the winner of this season 2. In it, Scott, Zeus and Sarah had to smash through a wooden wall. Then use a jackhammer to drill through a concrete block to get some bolt cutters, which they would then need to use to cut through a metal chain-link fence.
After they cut through the chain-link fence, they had to stack up 10 traps to make some stairs. Then they had to climb the trap stairs to get up on top of a platform. Once they got on the platform, they had to cut through a chain to cause a metal beam to fall onto another platform, which created a bridge.
They had to walk that bridge to get to the other platform. Once they got to the other platform, they had to unravel two lines of rope to tie, which eventually launched a rope latter to another platform containing the new, 2021, Ford F-150 truck.
They had to climb that latter, grab the keys and honk the horn for the win. Scott beat out Zeus pretty convincingly for the win. Zeus was still trying to unravel his two lines of rope when Scott finished.
Sarah fell too far behind when she was trying to cut the chain to get the beam to fall, but she did eventually do it, and she completed the whole course right after Zeus finished up the course.
Everyone congratulated each other on another great season and all that jazz. Then Scott was seen driving off in his new, 2021 Ford F-150 pick up truck and $200,000 dollars.
CBS has already renewed Tough As Nails for a new season 3 and 4. So, we will definitely be back for that. Currently, CBS has not announced an official premiere date for season 3. So, we’ll have to let you guys know when that will be at a later date.
How do you guys feel about Scott Henry winning Tough As Nails season 2? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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