Big Brother Season 23 Spoilers: September 10, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Big Brother Season 23 Spoilers: September 10, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. It’s that time again. We’ve got another new, important, Big Brother season 23 update for you guys. Earlier today, September 10, 2021, the eviction nomination ceremony took place, and we now have the results of it. Two unlucky houseguests are now sitting on the eviction chopping block, and we’re going to tell you who they are right now. Let’s get into it.

As we previously reported, Kyland won the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition late last night after the big, Double Eviction LIVE show. That means Kyland was in charge of nominating two people for eviction today. During Kyland’s eviction, nomination ceremony, he decided to throw Tiffany and Hannah on the chopping block.

That means Tiffany and Hannah are the initial nominees for eviction this week. Tiffany is definitely Kyland’s main target. He was seen telling Hannah that Tiffany is up for eviction because he doesn’t trust her.

As we reported earlier during our HOH article, we were pretty sure that Hannah and Tiffany would be Kyland’s two nominees for eviction today. Kyland was seen telling Derek F and Xavier that he was planning on putting them up with Azah being a 3rd nominee option if one of them wins the veto.

Basically, if Tiffany doesn’t win that POV (Power Of Veto) tomorrow, we will be seeing the last of her come Thursday night, September 19, 2021.

Tiffany and Hannah tried their hardest to get Kyland to nominate Xavier for eviction, but that just didn’t take because Kyland has been seen telling Xavier that he wants to take him to the final two. However, Kyland also told Derek F that same thing. So, only time will tell which one is actually true.

Again, the POV competition is expected to be played tomorrow, September 11, 2021. So, we will certainly be back on here on Sunday to give you guys the results of it. Plus, we will throw in a couple of important, LIVE feed chats to give you guys some insight of how the votes may go.

However, again, if Tiffany loses the veto, she’s most likely is the one going home this week, and everyone will just be sitting around awaiting her fate. Actually, there is one other option Tiffany might get rescued.

Azah might save Tiffany if she wins veto, but even that’s not a 100 percent. I don’t know if Azah really likes Tiffany that much, but the women might want to stick together against the guys. So, that could be a possibility.

Anyways, all of these questions will be answered when we hop back on here this Sunday. So, be sure to look out for our POV winner report on Sunday.

How do you guys feel about Tiffany and Hannah getting nominated for eviction this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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