Big Brother 23 Spoilers: September 26, 2021 Second Round HOH Winner Revealed

Big Brother 23 Spoilers: September 26, 2021 Second Round HOH Winner Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Happy Sunday, guys. We hope your weekend has been excellent to you. We are back on here, today, because we have another very important Big Brother season 23 update for you guys. Yesterday, September 25,2021, the second round of the final, 3-part HOH (Head Of Household) competition took place, and we do have the winner of it.

As we previously reported, Xavier won the first round of this final, 3-part HOH competition, and Xavier was seen on the feeds, telling Derek F that he wants to take him to the final two if he wins this last HOH comp. Xavier’s first round win automatically put him in the final, 3rd round of this 3-part HOH competition.

That means in yesterday’s second round HOH comp, it was a showdown between Derek F and Azah to see who would win to go face Xavier in the final, 3rd round. When yesterday’s HOH comp was finally complete, it was Azah who emerged as the winner over Derek F! So, it’s official. Xavier will face off against Azah when the 3rd round of this final, 3-part HOH gets played in this Wednesday night’s LIVE, finale episode.

At around 3:25 pm pacific time yesterday, September 25, 2021, Xavier told Derek F, “Either way, you will be taken to the final two because Azah won’t take me with with her if she wins round three.”

At around 6:30 PM, the houseguests were seen talking about the second round HOH comp. They revealed that it had a treadmill, and they had to put houseguests faces in order.”

At around 11:15 PM, Azah told Xavier, she thinks she could beat either Xavier or Derek F in a final two situation.

At around 11:35 PM, Xavier was seen telling the cameras,”There is just one competition left between me and winning. I plan to take Derek to the final two, and I expect that Azah will cut me if she wins the next competition. I think Azah could beat me at the end because of her competition wins.”

Judging from those conversation, we definitely still know that Xavier plans to take Derek F to the final two if he wins this final, 3-part HOH competition this Wednesday night, September 29, 2021.

If Azah wins, it’s highly believed that she will take Derek F to the final two with her, and she would be smart to do so. However, we have not seen her mention who she will actually take. Again, if she’s smart, she will take Derek F to the final two over Xavier because Xavier would totally win over her.

Anyways, we’ll finally see how this all plays out this Wednesday night, September 29, 2021 in the huge, Big Brother season 23, finale episode.

How do you guys feel about Azah winning the second round of this final, 3-part HOH comp over Derek F? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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1 Response

  1. LARRY G DIAZ says:

    I think that Azah should take X with her should she win the final 3rd round. Given the fact that both Big D and X have screwed over so many jury members and that X thinks he can manipulate Azah any way he sees fit. It would be great for her to show that he is no better than she is and that yes she can win Big Brother. I believe that between 3 she has not made as many enemies as X and Big D. Big D does not deserve 75,000 he did nothing to earn it.

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