New SWAT Season 5 Spoilers For January 9, 2022 Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “S.W.A.T.” fans. We hope episode 9 delivered some great stuff for you guys tonight, especially since it had gotten delayed for a while. Now that episode 9 finally came and went, we are back on here to look into the future a little bit. We’ve got some new spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 10, which is currently set to arrive next Sunday night, January 9, 2022.
We did manage to gather up a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for the new episode 10 from CBS’ official episode 10 press release. So, we are definitely going to look those over right now. Let’s do it.
For starters, CBS let us know that this new episode 10 has been given an official title. It’s called, “Three Guns.” It sounds like episode 10 will feature some very interesting, intense, scandalous, dramatic, action-filled and suspenseful scenes as the SWAT crew tries to find some stolen rocket launchers. Tan faces a personal issue. A new policing initiative is inspired. Luca starts thinking Kelly wants to date him and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the stolen rocket launchers situation. It turns out that some very powerful rocket launchers, which are capable of cutting through armored tanks have been stolen and smuggled into Los Angeles.
In light of this crazy situation, we will see the SWAT crew team up with the DEA in an effort to hunt down the whereabouts of these stolen rocket launchers.
CBS’ official description for this stolen rocket launchers debacle tells us, “The SWAT team partners with the DEA to locate stolen rocket launchers smuggled into Los Angeles, high-power weapons with new technology capable of cutting through armored tanks.” An alternate description reads like this, “THE SWAT TEAM PARTNERS WITH THE DEA TO LOCATE STOLEN HIGH-TECH, HIGH-POWER WEAPONS SMUGGLED INTO LOS ANGELES.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that things aren’t going to go very well for one of Tan’s colleagues in this episode as he or she will end up getting hurt while in the field. This terrible tragedy will definitely cause Tan to take some personal time to deal with it.
CBS’ description for this latest Tan storyline reads like this, “A personal issue for Tan arises when a colleague is hurt in the field.”
The 3rd teaser spoiler reveals that a homeless veteran named Leroy will end up getting arrested in this episode. From there, we will see Hondo start inquiring about it. All of this will cause someone to bring up the idea of a new policing initiative.
CBS’ description for this homeless, veteran plotline reads like this, “Hondo’s inquiry into the arrest of a homeless veteran for Leroy (Michael Beach), Darryl’s father, sparks an idea for a new policing initiative.”
The 4th and last teaser scoop for this new episode 10 lets us know that Luca will be mentoring someone in this episode. It turns out that things will get real interesting from there as Luca will start to suspect that his mentee’s mother Kelly might be wanting to date him.
CBS’ description for this Luca plotline reads like this, “Luca suspects the mother of his mentee, Kelly (Angelica Scarlet Johnson), wants to date him.”
Episode 10 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Alex Alcheh as character (Jason), John Griffin as character (Byron), Juan Monsalvez as character (Ricardo), Leith Burke as character (DHS Agent Gunther), Enuka Okuma as character (DEA Agent Lyons), Jiya Simon as character (Cop #1), Brian DeRozan as character (Cop #2), Arthur Richardson as character (Dave), Gilli Messer as character (Mari) and Joe Bagtas as character (Cortejo).
Episode 10 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Michael Beach as character (Leroy), Angelica Scarlet Johnson as character (Kelly) and Jayda Aslan as character (Tuana).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 10 are: Shemar Moore as character (Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson), Alex Russell as character (Jim Street), Jay Harrington as character (David “Deacon” Kay), Lina Esco as character (Christina “Chris” Alonso), Kenny Johnson as character (Dominique Luca), David Lim as character (Victor Tan) and Patrick St. Esprit as character (Commander Robert Hicks).
Episode 10 was written by Melissa Park, and it was directed by Guy Ferland.
CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 10 of SWAT’s current season 5 is indeed scheduled to make its debut next Sunday night, January 9, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time. It will also be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “S.W.A.T.” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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