Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: February 6, 2022 HOH Winner & Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Celebrity Big Brother” fans. We are back on here with a very important spoiler update from inside the Celebrity Big Brother season 3 house. This past Friday night, February 4, 2022, another HOH (Head Of Household) competition was played after Teddi Mellencamp got evicted. So, we’re going to deliver the results of that to you in this article along with who the new HOH nominated for eviction.
Since this Celebrity version of Big Brother moves along at 3 times the speed of regular Big Brother, all of these events have already played out in that very short period of time.
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds, the former NSYNC boyband member Chris Kirkpatrick claimed the latest, HOH crown this past Friday night. They didn’t say what the competition was. We’ll have to wait until tonight’s new episode to find that out.
Yesterday, February 5, 2022, the eviction nomination ceremony took place. Since Chris Kirkpatrick is the reigning HOH, he had to nominate two people for eviction, and those very unlucky people turned out to be Chris Kattan and Mirai. According to what’s been going down on the LIVE feeds, it appears that Chris is targeting Mirai for eviction, but he also wouldn’t care if Chris Kattan left over her.
At around 7:20 PM pacific time, Saturday, February 5, 2020, Chris Kirkpatrick was seen telling Miesha and Todrick, “I don’t want Mirai to know she’s the target.” Miesha said, “It’s too late. She already knows.”
At around 7:25 pm, Miesha and Todrick told Chris Kirkpatrick, “Carson is dangerous for our games, but Mirai is with us.”
At around 7:55 PM, Todrick told Chris Kirkpatrick, I’ll vote out Mirai if it comes down to it.” Chris Kirkpatrick said, “My renom plan may be Lamar.” Todrick said, “It should be Cynthia if you want to make sure Kattan goes.”
At around 8:55 PM, Chris Kirkpatrick told Shanna, “Mirai somehow knows she’s the target.” They both agreed that either Miesha or Todrick must have told her because no one else seems to talk game with her.
Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, we know that Chris Kirkpatrick is definitely targeting Mirai, but it’s going to be much easier said and done to get Mirai out. We still have a POV (Power Of Veto) comp that needs to be played.
Also, if Mirai is still on the block after the veto comp, Chris Kirkpatrick still needs to make sure he can get enough votes to get rid of her, and it seems that his own alliance members Miesha and Todrick don’t really want to get rid of her just yet. So, there is definitely a lot of interesting things going on in this second round of Celebrity Big Brother season 3.
How do you guys feel about Chris Kirkpatrick becoming the new HOH and nominating Chris Kattan and Mirai for eviction? Are you happy about it? Or you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Celebrity Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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