FBI Most Wanted Season 3, February 8, 2022 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

FBI Most Wanted Season 3, February 8, 2022 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey, “FBI: Most Wanted” fans. Unfortunately, we have some not-so-great news to tell you in this article. For reasons unknown, CBS is not airing the next, new episode 13 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 tonight, February 8, 2022. It gets worse. They’re not going to air it next Tuesday night either.

That’s right, guys. FBI: Most Wanted hit another delay bump to the tune of two weeks. CBS has confirmed that they plan to air the new episode 13 on Tuesday night, February 22, 2022 in its usual,9 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be sure that very important date and time stays in your memory.

For those of you who wanted to know, we did find out what NBC is airing instead of the next, new episode 13 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 tonight. According to the TV guide listings, CBS has got a couple of repeat, FBI: Most Wanted episodes lined up for you guys.

Tonight, CBS will be re-airing the 4th episode of this season 3 titled, “Inherited.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “The team must determine if the kidnapping of a young Chinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she was specifically targeted; Jess and Sarah struggle with Tali’s continued rebellious streak.”

Then, next Tuesday night, February 15, 2022, CBS will re-air the 5th episode of this season 3 titled, “Unhinged.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “After a deadly fire at an arcade, the team discovers the blaze was just the first step in an intricate plan to exact revenge on one of the victims; Hana rejoins the team, finding new adjustments in all aspects of her life.”

If any of you guys are interested in watching those particular repeat episodes of FBI: Most Wanted, you might still want to flip on CBS tonight and next Tuesday night as you normally would.

If you guys only want to see the brand new episode 13 of FBI: Most Wanted 3 and nothing else, you will certainly want to get something else lined up during this two-week delay.

Additionally, we were able to track down an official title for the next, new episode 13 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3. It’s called, “Overlooked.”

FBI: Most Wanted Season 3 is currently averaging 5.722 million LIVE viewers per episode, and 0.54 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The most recent episode 12, which aired last Tuesday night, February 1, 2022, drew in 5.909 million LIVE viewers, and a 0.55 ratings score.

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of FBI: Most Wanted’s current season 3 is scheduled to finally hit the air on Tuesday night, February 22, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “FBI: Most Wanted” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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