911 AKA 9-1-1 Season 6 Spoilers For October 24, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

911 AKA 9-1-1 Season 6 Spoilers For October 24, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

Hey, “9-1-1” fans. We hope you guys totally dug what went down in tonight’s episode 5. Now that episode 5 is officially a wrap, it’s time for us to, once again, fill you guys in on what is coming up in the next, new episode 6 of 9-1-1’s current season 6. It’s coming to your TV sets next Monday night, October 24, 2022.

We were able to acquire an official teaser description for one of episode 6’s main storylines via FOX’s official episode 6 press release. So, we’re going to take a look at it right now. Let’s do it.

First thing’s first. FOX let us know that the official title for this new episode 6 of 9-1-1 season 6 is called, “Tomorrow.” It sounds like episode 6 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting, action-filled, emotional and suspenseful scenes.

In the new episode 6, a major explosion will be the main focus of this storyline that FOX chose to reveal. Yep, it turns out that a hardcore explosion will happen at some point in this episode. When it happens, it’s going to totally shake up Karen’s science lab on the day that she brings Denny to work with her. Hen is going to eventually find out about this explosion and start panicking like nobody’s business as she fears for Karen’s well-being.

FOX’s official description for episode 6 tells us, “Hen fears for Karen’s life when an explosion rocks her science lab on the day she brings Denny to work with her.” An alternate description reads like this, “HEN PANICS WHEN AN EXPLOSION ROCKS KAREN’S LAB.”

Episode 6 will feature one guest star. That one person is: Tracie Thoms as character Karen

The season regulars that will be featured in episode 6 are: Angela Bassett as character Athena Grant; Peter Krause as character Bobby Nash; Jennifer Love Hewitt as character Maddie Kendall; Oliver Stark as character Evan “Buck” Buckley; Kenneth Choi as character Howie “Chimney” Han; Aisha Hinds as character Henrietta “Hen” Wilson; Ryan Guzman as character Eddie Diaz; Corinne Massiah as character May Grant and Gavin McHugh as character Christopher Diaz.

FOX’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 6 of 9-1-1’s current season 6 is indeed scheduled to hit the air next Monday night, October 24, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “9-1-1” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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