New The Walking Dead Season 11 Spoilers For November 13, 2022 Episode 23 Revealed

New The Walking Dead Season 11 Spoilers For November 13, 2022 Episode 23 Revealed

Hey, “The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed what episode 22 served up tonight. Now that episode 22 is now under our belts, we’re back on here to give you a little bit of an idea of what’s coming up in the next, new episode 23 of The Walking Dead’s current season 11, which is currently scheduled to arrive next Sunday night, November 13, 2022.

We were able to find an official teaser description for one of episode 23’s main storylines straight from AMC’s official episode 23 press release. So, we’re going to run it by you right now.

Yep, AMC wasn’t quite as generous with the teaser descriptions for this particular episode as they only gave us one. They usually give us around 3 or more. So, this spoiler session will be pretty short.

It sounds like episode 23 will deliver some possible, intense, dramatic, action-filled, suspenseful and interesting scenes.

In the new episode 23, some sort of swarm will be the main focus of this very vague storyline that AMC decided to reveal. Yep, it turns out that the city will certainly get visited at some point in this episode as a swarm will be seen making its approach towards the city.

AMC’s official description for episode 23 reads like this, “A swarm approaches the city.” What will this swarm consist of? Is it a swarm of Zombies, or something else? That is the huge question we’ll be looking to see get answered before the hour is up next week. Whatever the case, it sounds like we could get some very interesting and intense scenes out of this storyline depending on what this swarm turns out to be.

AMC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 23 of The Walking Dead’s current season 11 is indeed scheduled to show up next Sunday night, November 13, 2022.

Alright, guys. That all the info we could get out of AMC for this latest, “The Walking Dead” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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