Survivor November 30, 2022 Voted Off Sami Layadi (Recap)

Survivor November 30, 2022 Voted Off Sami Layadi (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, November 30, 2022, another new episode of Survivor season 43 did indeed hit the air, and another unlucky contestant saw their game come to an end.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with Sami talking to the private cam about how he screwed up at the last tribal council meeting by voting for Karla to go, and of course, Noelle was the one who got sent home. So, Sami had to explain to Karla why he voted to send her home.

Elsewhere, Mike Gabler told the private cams that he felt confident about his current position in the game. Owen told the private cams he did not feel good about his game because everyone is out to get him.

Kara talked more with Sami about him voting her out at the last tribal council saying, “This doesn’t mean I want to cut off all ties with you.” Sami lied to Karla by telling her that Cassidy was the first one to bring up her name as a target. Then, Karla went and talked to Cassidy, but nothing was revealed during that conversation. Karla just didn’t feel like she could trust Cassidy anymore.

After all of that, everyone was told that a new advantage was hidden in the jungle. So, they all went searching for it. Cody ended up finding it. The advantage let Cody bet on who has the best chance of winning the next immunity challenge. If the person Cody bet on won, he also won immunity. So, he essentially had two chances of winning the immunity. If he won, he won. If the person he picked won, he won. He ended up betting on Owen to win it after being given a description of the immunity challenge.

Next, we saw host Jeff Probst show up with the new immunity challenge. It was titled, “Last Gasp.” In it, the contestants had to last the longest in an underwater tide challenge. Both Owen and Karla ended up winning it after going at it for almost 3 hours. Apparently, they outlasted the tide so they were both given the win. With Owen’s win, Cody was also given immunity since he bet on Owen to win it.

At this point, Sami told the private cams that he felt nervous about his safety because there’s fewer people that can be the target. Cassidy told the private cams that she was terrified for her safety too. Karla told the private cams that she’s going to target Cassidy. So, she campaigned to Sami to get out Cassidy, and he agreed.

Sami told Cody that the plan is to vote out Cassidy. That got relayed to almost everyone. However, Jesse told the private cams that he thinks it’s time to take out Sami. So, he campaigned to Owen to get out Sami. Owen seemed to agree.

However, Owen told the private cams, “I don’t know if I can trust Jesse because he’s burned me before.” Jesse also campaigned to Cody to get Sami out. However, Cody said he felt it’s time for Cassidy to go heading into the tribal council meeting.

At the tribal council meeting, Sami said he was going to play his shot in the dark option because it doesn’t matter if everything he was told is true. This shot in the dark option also caused Sami to lose his vote. Karla told Sami, “That’s disappointing to hear.” Sami said “I have to take risks in this game.”

Jeff revealed Cody is safe since he bet on Owen at the immunity challenge. After the votes were casts, Sami played his shot in the dark option. Unfortunately for him, he drew a “Not Safe” card. So, any votes against him still counted.

When the votes were read, Sami ended up getting all the 4 votes for a unanimous boot. He took it well though saying, “Have fun, peeps” on the way out. He told the private cams, “The dominoes started to tumble for my game after the last vote. Overall, I’m happy with the way I played.”

How do you guys feel about Sami Layadi getting voted off of Survivor season 43 in tonight’s November 30, 2022 episode? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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