New America’s Funniest Home Videos March 5, 2023 Episode Preview Revealed

New America’s Funniest Home Videos March 5, 2023 Episode Preview Revealed

Hey,”America’s Funniest Home Videos” fans. We’ve got some terrific news for you guys today. The folks over at ABC do indeed have another new episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos all queued up and ready to air for you tonight, March 5,2023. That’s right, guys. Tonight’s new episode will be episode 13 of America’s Funniest Home Videos’ current season 33, and we’ve got some preview info for it.

The ABC people served up an official press release for tonight’s new episode 13. So, that is certainly what we will be referencing for this preview session. Let’s take a look at it and see what’s going down.

The first description for tonight’s new, March 5, 2023 edition reveals that you guys will see a video that features a very hungry dear that is actually trying to eat a chunk of some poor lady’s hair while she’s trying to pose for a photo!

ABC’s official description for this hungry dear video tells us, “A deer tries to eat a chunk of a woman’s hair when she poses for a picture.”

The second description reveals that you guys will see a continuing battle of cats versus dogs videos at some point. ABC’s description for this cats vs dogs segment reads like this, “The ongoing battle of cats vs. dogs.”

The 3rd and last description for tonight’s new, March 5, 2023 installment lets us know that you guys will see some videos that feature runaway cars in action.

ABC’s description for this runaway cars video segment reads like this, “A musical salute to runaway cars.”

Again, ABC confirmed that tonight’s March 5, 2023 episode will be brand new, and it’s scheduled to hit the air at approximately 6 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to do it for this latest, “America’s Funniest Home Videos”TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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