General Hospital July 4, 2023 Episode Not New. It’s A Repeat. Preview Revealed

General Hospital July 4, 2023 Episode Not New. It’s A Repeat. Preview Revealed

Hey, “General Hospital” fans. Unfortunately, we’ve got some bad news for you guys in this article. It turns out that the ABC people don’t have any plans to air a new episode of your favorite soap opera General Hospital today, July 4, 2023.

We suspect that this is mostly likely due to the Independence Day holiday, but please don’t quote us on that because we don’t have any official announcements from ABC regarding this matter.

Here’s what we can tell you for sure. ABC will be filling the empty General Hospital time slot with a repeat episode of General Hospital today. According to the TV Guide listings, this repeat episode will be episode 138 of season 60. It featured the people of Port Charles delivering a very emotional good-bye to character Epiphany at some point.

ABC’s official description for this repeat episode of General Hospital reads like this, “Port Charles bids an emotional good-bye to Epiphany.”

If any of you guys have any desire whatsoever to watch this particular repeat episode of General Hospital for whatever reason, you might still want to keep ABC on your Daytime watchlist today. If you don’t want to watch this repeat episode of General Hospital and only want to see brand new episodes, you will certainly want to find something else to do or watch this afternoon if you haven’t already.

On a bright note, ABC will get right back to airing new episodes of General Hospital this Wednesday afternoon, July 5, 2023 in its usual, 1 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be on the lookout for the next, new episode on that very important date.

Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we did locate a couple of teaser descriptions for the next, new July 5,2023 episode of General Hospital via ABC’s official episode synopsis. It reads like this, “Tracy summons Diane. Cody struggles with his conscience. Felicia does some digging. Nina gets good news. Martin is propositioned.”

Again, ABC will immediately get back to airing new episodes of General Hospital this Wednesday afternoon, July 5, 2023 in its usual, 1 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That’s going to be a wrap for this latest, “General Hospital” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

General Hospital usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 1 pm central standard time on ABC.

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