New Bold And The Beautiful August 8, 2023 Episode Spoilers Revealed

New Bold And The Beautiful August 8, 2023 Episode Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’re back to deliver up another new spoiler session for your favorite CBS, daytime soap opera The Bold And The Beautiful. In this spoiler session, we’ve got new details for what’s going down in tomorrow’s new, August 8, 2023 edition.

We were able to get a hold of 2, new teaser descriptions for the August 8, 2023 episode straight from CBS’ official, August 8, 2023 episode synopsis. So, we’re going to take a look at it right now. Let’s go.

First thing’s first. It sounds like tomorrow’s new, Tuesday, August 8, 2023 episode will feature some more very intense, dramatic, interesting and emotional scenes as Finn continues to place blame elsewhere. Ridge finds out devastating news and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Finn situation. Yep, we’re going to get another dose of Finn in this episode at some point. We’re guessing he’ll still be talking with his adoptive mother Li because he will continue to try to place the blame on Liam for all of his recent troubles with Steffy.

CBS’ official description for this latest, Finn plotline reads like this, “Finn blames Liam.”

The second and final teaser scoop for tomorrow’s new, August 8, 2023 episode lets us know that we’re going to get some more new Ridge scenes at some point, and he is not going to be happy in them because he will end up finding out what went down at Sheila’s trial.

CBS’ description for this latest, Ridge storyline reads like this, “Ridge learns what happened at Sheila’s trial.”

Alright, guys. That’s all the spoiler scoops we could round up from CBS for tomorrow’s new, August 8, 2023 episode of the Bold And The Beautiful, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes play out that were not mentioned in this spoiler session.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS and Paramount+.

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