New Hell’s Kitchen November 16, 2023 Episode 8 Preview Revealed

New Hell’s Kitchen November 16, 2023 Episode 8 Preview Revealed

Hey, “Hell’s Kitchen” fans. Tonight is another big night because the FOX people will be dishing up another new episode of Hell’s Kitchen tonight, November 16, 2023. That’s right, guys. Tonight’s new episode will be the 8th one for Hell’s Kitchen’s current season 22, and we’ve got some new preview intel for it to tell you guys.

FOX served up a new, official press release for tonight’s new, November 16, 2023 edition. So, we will certainly pull it up and see exactly what it has to say ,right now, for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

For starters, FOX let us know that there is an official title for this new episode 8 of Hell’s Kitchen season 22. It’s called, “Cooking For Your Life.”

In tonight’s new, November 16, 2023 episode 8, you guys are going to see the remaining contestants get hit with one of their most toughest challenges to date, which is communication. They will be required to cook one of the top 5 cuisines in America.

However, this challenge will get flipped upside down, and a few of the contestants will get the spotlight. The losing team will have to dig through some trash while the winning team gets a massage and a surprise meal. There will also be another elimination at the very end with Chef Gordon Ramsey.

FOX’s official description for tonight’s new, November 16, 2023 episode 8 of Hell’s Kitchen season 22 reads like this, “Tensions rise as the chefs face their most difficult challenge yet: communication. The contestants are each assigned to cook one of the top 5 cuisines in America, but the challenge gets turned on its head and shines the spotlight on a select few contestants.

While the losing team sifts through trash, and the winning team enjoys massages and a surprise meal, no one is safe from a one-on-one meeting with Chef Ramsey in the all-new “Cooking For Your Life” episode of Hell’s Kitchen.” An alternate description tells us, “THE CHEF’S COOK FOR THEIR LIFE ON AN ALL-NEW EPISODE OF HELL’S KITCHEN.”

FOX’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 8 of Hell’s Kitchen’s current season 22 is indeed scheduled to show up on your TV screens tonight, November 16, 2023, starting at approximately 7 pm central standard time. Tonight’s new episode will be a 1-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Hell’s Kitchen” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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