New Bob’s Burgers Season 14 December 24 & 31, 2023 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

New Bob’s Burgers Season 14 December 24 & 31, 2023 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey, “Bob’s Burgers” fans. Unfortunately, we’re back on here with some bad news for you guys. Yep, it turns out that the FOX people have decided not to air anymore new episodes of Bob’s Burgers tonight, December 24, 2023 and next Sunday night, December 31, 2023. That’s right, guys. CBS is going to make you wait a little while longer to see the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 14.

According to FOX’s official episode 11 press release, FOX doesn’t plan to air the new episode 11 until Sunday night, January 7, 2024. At that time, it will air in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely make a hard mental note of that.

In the meantime, we did take a look at what FOX is going to air instead of new Bob’s Burgers episodes tonight and next Sunday night. According to the TV guide listings, FOX is going to serve up a repeat episode of a show called,”HouseBroken.” It will be episode 2 of its season 2 titled, “Who’s Having a Merry Trashmas?”

FOX’s official description for this repeat episode 2 of HouseBroken season 2 reads like this, “Honey and Chief are home alone for the holidays, and when a mysterious intruder tries to break in, they team up with Raccoon to protect the family home. Chico experiences hunger for the first time. Elsa falls in love with a robot dog.”

Next Sunday night, December 31, 2023, FOX is going to air a repeat episode of Bob’s Burgers. It will be episode 1 of its season 14 titled, “Fight at the Not Okay Chore-ral.” FOX’s official description for it reads like this, “When Linda and Bob suggest the kids do chores, the family ends up in a showdown.”

If any of you guys find that alternate line of programming to be enticing at all, you might still want to hit up FOX tonight and next Sunday night to check it out. If you’re only interested in watching brand new episodes of Bob’s Burgers, you will certainly want to make some other plans for Sunday nights until that January 7, 2024 date gets here.

Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we did track down an official teaser description for the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers season 14 from FOX’s official episode 11 press release. It let us know that episode 11 is officially labeled/titled,”Mission Impossi-Bob.”

FOX’s teaser description for episode 11 reads like this, “Teddy gets stuck in an underground survival bunker, and he calls on Bob to find him and get him out on the all-new “Mission Impossi-Bob” episode of Bob’s Burgers.”

Again, FOX confirmed that the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 14 is scheduled to finally show on your TV sets on Sunday night, January 7,2024 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Bob’s Burgers” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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