The Bachelor February 19, 2024 Eliminated Lea, Jess, Katelyn & Lexi Quit (Recap)

The Bachelor February 19, 2024 Eliminated Lea, Jess, Katelyn & Lexi Quit (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, Feb 19, 2024, another new episode of The Bachelor 2024 edition with headliner Joey Graziadei hit the air, and we saw another couple of women get sent packing, and one of them even quit.

Tonight’s new episode kicked off with us learning that Joey and his remaining women will be in Montreal, Canada to continue their journey of love. We got footage of Joey opening up about how he thinks people always expect him to be perfect, and that he has some sort of deep feeling that this process might not work out.

After all of that, Joey took: Daisy, Katelyn, Kelsey A., Jenn, Rachel, Lexi, Lea and Jess out on a group date. During it, they learned to speak some French. They went to a restaurant and ended up making a poutine dish. At one point, Jess told the private cams that she was upset and couldn’t understand why she hasn’t gotten a 1 on 1 date yet.

During the the afterparty, Joey told the women about his insecurities saying, “I’m worried about getting too invested in someone and it not be reciprocated.” Joey talked with Katelyn. She said she’s starting to feel bad when she sees him make other connections. Joey was understanding. Joey talked with Kelsey A. She told him, “I’m falling for you,” and they kissed.

Joey talked with Lexi. She said she was bothered by seeing the other connections being made. She also had concerns about the timing of kids and stuff. Joey told her he wanted 3 years of an engagement and time to enjoy the marriage before bringing kids into the picture. Lexi told the private cams that she had concerns about Joey’s timelines. She told him she appreciates his honesty, and they hugged and kissed.

Joey talked with Jenn. Joey told the private cams, “I’m on cloud 9 with Jenn,” and they kissed. Joey talked with Jess. She told him, “It’s getting hard to see you connecting with the other women. It’s just scary. I want a 1 on 1 date with you so bad to get that time with you.”

Joey told her, “It makes me feel so good to hear you say these things, but I just haven’t been able to get to the same place with you. I know it’s not what you want to hear, and I’m so sorry. I can’t keep you here. It’s not fair.”

Joey told the private cams, “I feel so bad that I hurt someone I really care about. I really wish I could be falling for Jess because it seems like she has so much love to give, but you just can’t fake that stuff.” At the end of the afterparty, Joey gave Jenn the group date rose.

Next, we got footage of Kelsey T’s 1 on 1 date with Joey. They greeted each other with a big hug. He took her to Cirque du Soleil, and they learned how to do some circus stunts together. Afterwards, they talked and kissed.

During the second half of their date, they talked. She told Joey she has feelings for him, and they’re getting deeper. She talked about her family, specifically her dad. She stated, “We were close when I was growing up. Then, he stopped talking to me for a while due to religious issues.

So, I went to live with my mother. After that, me and my dad stopped talking completely. It gave me trust issues after experiencing someone being there for me so much,and then just totally disappearing from my life.” Joey told her, “Thank you for sharing. I think you’re very strong and resilient,” and they kissed.

Joey told the private cams, “I feel so connected and bonded with Kelsey T, and it continues to get stronger.” Joey gave her a rose, and they kissed.

After all of that, we got footage of Joey and Maria’s 1 on 1 date. During it, Joey took her on a car ride, and they had fun during it, laughing and joking with each other. Then, he took her shopping for dresses. Maria told the private cams, “Joey makes me feel so special, and I’m just grateful that he chose me.” They kissed on a helicopter ride back.

During the second half of their date, they talked. She told him, “Everytime I’m with you, I feel so comfortable.” She told the private cams, “I like everything about Joey. He puts my mind at ease. I’m falling for him.” Joey told her, “I’ll do everything in my power to make you feel special and loved.” Maria told him, “I’m falling for you in ways I didn’t expect.” Joey said, “I am too, and that makes me happy,” and they kissed. He gave Maria a rose, and they kissed while dancing.

Next, Lexi was seen telling the private cams, “Joey and I are at two different places in our lives.” So, she went and told Joey that his timeline for having kids is not fast enough for her because she has certain health issues that she has to take into account. So, she has to leave.

Joey told her, “This is disappointing because I was looking forward to furthering our conversations about this.” Lexi said,”This doesn’t change how I feel about you. I will miss you a lot.” Joey told the private cams, “I could see Lexi as my wife. So, it’s tough to see her go.”

During the cocktail party, Joey talked with Katelyn. She told him how special she thinks he is, and they kissed. Joey spoke with Daisy. He gave her a foot massage. Joey talked with Jenn. She taught him how to play the piano for a little bit.

Joey talked with Lea. She told him, “I’m really excited about us.” Joey talked with Kelsey A. Joey talked with Rachel, and they joked around a little bit.

Finally, at the rose ceremony, Joey gave roses to: Daisy, Kelsey A, and Rachel to join Maria, Kelsey T and Jenn who had received roses earlier in this episode. That unfortunately meant that poor: Lea and Katelyn did not receive a rose. So, they joined Lexi who quit and Jess who was sent home earlier in this episode.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “The Bachelor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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