New Blue Bloods Season 14, April 12, 2024 Episode 6 Spoilers Revealed

New Blue Bloods Season 14, April 12, 2024 Episode 6 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Blue Bloods” fans. We’re back at you with another new spoiler session for your favorite CBS drama Blue Bloods. In this spoiler session, we’re going to see what the next, new episode 6 of this current season 14 is going to deliver when it arrives tonight, April 12, 2024.

We were able to round up 4, new official teaser descriptions for this new episode 6 via CBS’ official episode 6 press release synopsis. So, we will certainly take a look at all of them for this spoiler session.

To start, CBS is telling us that this new episode 6 of Blue Bloods season 14 is officially labeled/titled, “Shadowland.” It sounds like episode 6 will feature some very interesting, intense, scandalous, dramatic, possible action-filled and suspenseful scenes.

The first spoiler scoop reveals that a homicide that involves voodoo will take place in this episode, and we’re going to see Danny and Baez get tasked with investigating it along with the help Baez’s old partner.

CBS’ official description for this voodoo homicide plotline tells us,”Danny and Baez investigate a homicide involving voodoo with the help of Baez’s old partner.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that a prestigious school will be suspected of employing discriminatory admission practices. So, we will see Eddie and a fellow officer team up with Captain McNichols to work this case.

CBS’ description for this scandalous school storyline reads like this, “Eddie and a fellow officer team up with Captain McNichols when they suspect a prestigious school is employing discriminatory admission practices.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Erin will get pulled aside by a middle-schooler who is claiming that Erin sent her brother to the slammer. CBS’ description for this Erin and middle-schooler confrontation scenario reads like this, “Erin is confronted by a middle-schooler who claims Erin sent her brother to prison.”

The 4th and last teaser description for this new episode 6 lets us know that Garret’s neighbor will loose her car to the police for evidence purposes. So, we’ll see Frank attempt to step in and help out this person get her car back.

CBS’ description for Frank’s attempt to help Garret’s neighbor with her car debacle reads like this, “Frank tries to help Garrett’s neighbor when her car is held as police evidence.” Episode 6 was written by Yasmine Cadet, and it was directed by Jackeline Tejada.

CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 6 of Blue Bloods’ current season 14 is indeed scheduled to make its way to the air tonight, April 12, 2024, starting at approximately 9 pm central standard time. It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs).

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Blue Bloods” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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