Singer Justin Timberlake Got Arrested For A DWI Today And Released. New Details

Singer Justin Timberlake Got Arrested For A DWI Today And Released. New Details

According to a new report from the folks over at TMZ, mega popstar Justin Timberlake got arrested for a DWI (driving while intoxicated) in the early morning hours of today, July 18, 2024. The arrest took place somewhere in the big apple New York City. The Sag Harbor Police were the ones who pulled him over.

TMZ’s sources told them that Justin attended a dinner with friends at a hotel in the Sag Harbor area last night, June 17, 2024. Justin ended up leaving this dinner event at around 12:30 am, July 18, 2024, and he was almost immediately pulled over by the cops.

According to the police report TMZ obtained, the Sag Harbor cops started immediately following Justin when he blew right threw a stop sign. Then, they claim he wasn’t able to drive in a straight line. So, they eventually pulled him over after following him for about another half mile or so.

When they pulled Justin over, they say Justin had bloodshot/glassy eyes, and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. He was unable to keep his attention, slurred speech and unsteady footwork. They also say he performed bad on the field sobriety tests.

The cops said Justin told them, “I had one martini, and I followed my friends home.” TMZ says there were no reports of friends on the police report. However, they were told that friends of Justin did try to intervene during the event and asked the police to give Justin a break.

TMZ went on to report that Justin was eventually released from jail at around 8:44 am today, July 18, 2024. TMZ has a couple of photos up on their site of Justin leaving the police station. He was reportedly released without bail, and he has been charged with 1 count of DWI and given a citation for running a stop sign and failure to stay in his lane.

Justin’s court date for this arrest is currently scheduled for July 26, 2024. Justin is currently on tour with his next shows scheduled to take place on Friday, June 21, 2024 and Saturday, June 22, 2024 in Chicago.

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