60 Minutes June 23, 2024 Repeat Episodes Preview Revealed

60 Minutes June 23, 2024 Repeat Episodes Preview Revealed

Hey, “60 Minutes” fans. We’re back in action to give you another preview session for your favorite news show 60 Minutes. For those of you who don’t know, 60 Minutes is currently in its off-season. So, CBS will serve up two episodes that features segments that have previously aired aka reruns tonight, June 23, 2024.

CBS served up a new press release for tonight’s repeat episodes. So, we will certainly reference it for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

Tonight’s first repeat episode will feature a total of three segments that have previously aired in the past. The first one is titled, “THE CAPITAL OF FREE RUSSIA.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Vladimir Putin has run Russia for 24 years and many of his political opponents end up dead or in exile. Correspondent Scott Pelley meets some of those who defied Putin and were forced to flee to the nearby capital of Vilnius, Lithuania, home to a growing number of Russia’s most prominent dissidents.”

The second repeat segment is titled, “OUR MISTAKE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.” CBS’ description for it reads like this, “Each year, about 1 million Americans receive a bill from the Social Security Administration, saying they were paid too much in benefits and must pay it back.

Even if the error is not their fault, they often still have to pay. Correspondent Anderson Cooper reports on how some elderly and disabled people have been burdened with tens of thousands of dollars in debt.”

The 3rd and final repeat segment for tonight’s first episode is titled, “LAW OF THE SEA.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “60 MINUTES reports on the mad dash in the Eastern Pacific for the vast quantities of critical minerals strewn on the sea floor – vital for almost all of today’s electronics.

Mining the international seabed could start next year and China is set to dominate it. But in this crucial race, America is nowhere – sidelined by a group of Republican senators who refuse to ratify the UN’s Law of the Sea. Unless it does, America is locked out of competing for those underwater riches. Correspondent Bill Whitaker looks at the consequences of the Senate logjam over the Law of the Sea.”

Tonight’s second episode will feature a total of two segments that have previously aired. The first repeat segment for tonight’s second episode is titled, “CRISIS IN THE RED SEA.’ CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “As tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East and the Iran-allied Houthi militia launch strikes against commercial and U.S. Navy ships in the southern Red Sea, 60 MINUTES’ Norah O’Donnell reports from the region in the air, on the water and inside the 5th Fleet’s command center at naval headquarters in Bahrain.

O’Donnell speaks with the deputy commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, and other Navy officers about a new kind of warfare on the high seas involving anti-ship ballistic missiles, as well as the disruption of international shipping traffic and whether an endgame is in sight.”

The second and final repeat segment for the second episode is titled, “THE LOOTING OF CAMBODIA.” CBS’ description for reads like this, “A year-long investigation by 60 MINUTES examines what might be the greatest art heist in history: the theft of thousands of sacred stone, bronze and gold artifacts from religious sites across Cambodia.

Correspondent Anderson Cooper reports on Douglas Latchford, the British dealer who masterminded the looting amidst genocide, civil war and political turmoil and sold to the world’s wealthiest collectors and most prestigious museums. Cambodia’s government has spent the last 10 years tracking it all down and wants their history and heritage brought home.”

CBS’ press release confirmed that 60 Minutes will arrive with two repeat episodes tonight, June 23, 2024, starting at approximately 6 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “60 Minutes” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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