New ‘Shameless’ Spoilers For Season 10, January 12, 2020 Episode 10 Revealed

New ‘Shameless’ Spoilers For Season 10, January 12, 2020 Episode 10 Revealed

Hey,”Shameless” fans. We hope you guys got a kick out of watching episode 9. Now that it’s officially over and done with, it’s time to take a look at what other madness is due to play out in the next, new episode 10, which is airing next Sunday night.

Thanks to the wonderful people over at Showtime, we do have a couple of storyline teaser descriptions for episode 10 to tell you about. So, let’s get started.

For starters, we’ve got an official title for episode 10. It’s called, “Now Leaving Illinois.”

It sounds like episode 10 will feature some pretty interesting, intense and dramatic scenes as Lip and Tami get a new opportunity. Faye has to go to court! Ian seeks out online dating due to more Mickey drama. Carl stumbles upon a startling discovery and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Lip and Tami situation. It turns out that the Tamietti family will have an incident in this episode at some point. This particular incident will open up a brand new opportunity for Lip and Tami.

Showtime’s official description for this particular Tami and Lip situation reads like this, “An incident in the Tamietti family presents Lip and Tami with a new opportunity.”

What will this new opportunity consist of exactly? That’s a big question for this particular storyline. We expect to see it get answered in this episode.

This plotline could give us some interesting scenes depending on what this new opportunity turns out to be. So, keep an eye out for it.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Faye and Frank are going to run into some major turbulence in this episode. At some point, Faye is going to get dragged in front of a judge for betraying Frank! That’s right, guys. It sounds like a major breaking point will be reached between these two.

Showtime’s description for this intense Frank and Faye scenario reads like this, “Faye’s betrayal lands Frank in front of a judge.”

What will happen next with this Faye debacle? That’s all we can think after reading this. Whatever the case, It sounds like this storyline will feature some super serious and intense scenes for you guys to look forward to next week. Get prepped for it.

The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Ian and Mickey’s ongoing problems will continue to escalate. At one point, Mickey’s antics will get so bad in this episode that it will cause Ian to feel like he needs to go elsewhere to get his relationship needs met. So, Ian will resort to hitting up the online dating scene.

Showtime’s description tells us, “Mickey’s antics drive Ian to online dating.” How long will this phase of their tumultuous relationship last? Will Ian and Mickey be able to fix this broken relationship?

Those are some big questions for this ongoing plotline. We can officially tell you that Ian will see a new side to Mickey in the immediate future. That will take place in episode 11. We’re not sure what this new side means for their relationship, but it’s happening. So, look out for it.

The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that Carl is going to encounter a very revelationary moment in this episode. Apparently, we will see Carl diligently working his new job. Then bam! He’s going to find something that’s being described by Showtime as totally unexpected!

Showtime’s description for this new Carl scenario reads like this, “Carl makes an unexpected discovery at his new job.”

What will this shocking discovery entail exactly? That’s the obvious, huge question for this particular storyline. It definitely sounds like this storyline could deliver some very interesting scenes depending on what Carl has found.

Showtime confirmed that episode 10 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, January 12, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Shameless” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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