The Amazing Race May 8, 2024 Eliminated Yvonne & Melissa (Recap)

The Amazing Race May 8, 2024 Eliminated Yvonne & Melissa (Recap)

Hey, “The Amazing Race” fans. Tonight, May 8, 2024, another new episode of The Amazing Race’s current season 36 did indeed hit the air, and another unlucky team got the boot at the end. Tonight’s new episode kicked off with the teams arriving in the Dominican Republic for the very first time in the show’s history to kick off this leg of the race.

They immediately got hit with a Roadblock challenge. During it, one of the team members had to navigate a series of waterfalls and memorize ten Taíno petroglyph symbols. Then, arrange the symbols in chronological order to get their next clue.

After the teams successfully wrapped up that Roadblock challenge, they had to hit up Don Manuel’s Finca de Cacao to get their next clue. When they got there, they were given another challenge that required them to work together to harvest cacao pods, remove the seeds and cover a tarp with the seeds to get their next clue.

When the teams successfully finished up the harvest challenge, they were told go to Estadio Bartolo Colón to get their next clue. When they got there, they were hit with another Roadblock challenge. During it, one team member had to complete three baseball drills that consisted of: catching and throwing a ground ball to first place, catching a fly ball in center field and hitting a bottle cap with a broomstick 25 feet.

When the teams successfully completed the baseball Roadblock challenge, they were directed to make their way to Paseo de Doña Blanca. When they got there, they were told to hit up Anfiteatro de Puerto Plata, which was the pit stop for this leg of the race.

Ricky & Cesar arrived at the pit stop in first place and won a trip for two to Seoul, South Korea from Expedia. Rod & Leticia took second place. Juan & Shane came in 3rd place. Amber & Vinny took the very important 4th spot to just narrowly escape elimination. That means poor Yvonne and Melissa did show up last, and they got eliminated. How do you guys feel about that? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “The Amazing Race” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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