New Bold And The Beautiful Week Of June 10, 2024 Spoilers Revealed

New Bold And The Beautiful Week Of June 10, 2024 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We are back in action with you guys to take a look at what another new week of Bold And The Beautiful episodes is going to look like. Unfortunately, we don’t have the specific day these spoilers will land on because the daily ones from CBS have not been released yet for some unknown reason.

So, in this spoiler session, we’re going to reveal a couple of storylines that are happening this week, but you’ll just have to guess which day they’re landing on for now. We got these from the people over at

Their first spoiler scoop is telling us that Hope and Finn’s crazy kiss at the end of Friday’s June 7, 2024 episode will pick up from where it left off saying, “Hope and Finn’s kiss escalates as Hope rips off Finn’s shirt.” We’re still not sure if this kiss was real, or if it was a dream from Hope’s active imagination. We’ll have to wait and see for that. It seems more likely that it was a dream though.

The second and third spoiler scoops reveal that we’re going to see some more Katie storylines take place. In them, she will be seen trying to deal with the new feelings she has in regards to Bill having another family with another woman. She will also end up paying Bill another visit at some point to see how his new family situation is working out.

Bill and Liam will be seen having another father and son conversation at some point. During it, they will talk about what’s going on in their lives ,right now, along with some possible future changes that are in store. This particular conversation will leave Liam really thinking intensely about his life.

Steffy is going to have a new conversation with Brooke at some point. This particular talk will be about Hope. Apparently, Steffy will start expressing that she has a problem with Hope spending too much time with Finn.

And last, but certainly not least, Brooke will be seen contemplating taking up Ridge’s offer to be a co-CEO over at Forrester Creations. During her contemplation session, she will attempt to break down exactly how this decision would affect she and her family.

Alright, guys. That is what this week of June 10, 2024 will look like for The Bold And The Beautiful. Once CBS releases the daily spoilers, we will hop back on here with them throughout this week. So, be on the lookout for those.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday, starting at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS and Paramount+.

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