Top Movie Critics Gave New ‘Tooth Fairy’ Movie Pretty Bad Reviews

Top Movie Critics Gave New ‘Tooth Fairy’ Movie Pretty Bad Reviews

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Top movie critics gave new ‘Tooth Fairy’ movie pretty bad reviews. 20th Century Fox released its new family/comedy movie, “Tooth Fairy” in theaters today. It stars: Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Stephen Merchant, and Ryan Sheckler. The top movie critics have crushed this movie with some pretty bad reviews. It mostly got Cs and Ds across the board.

Wesley Morris from the Boston Globe gave it a D. He said, “Most of the scenes just sit there on the screen, inert.” Roger Ebert over at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a C. He stated, “There’s no way I can recommend this movie to anyone much beyond the Tooth Fairy Believement Age.”

Michael Phillips at the Chicago Tribune gave it a C- rating. He said, “Johnson… comes perilously close to tiring out the audience with all the nervous activity and the mugging.” Peter Paras from E! Online rated it a C. He said, “It’s less painful than getting an incisor pulled, but you must be less then four feet tall to truly enjoy this movie.”

Chris Cabin from gave it a D. He said it was , “deeply unfunny.” Hollywood Reporter’s Ethan Alter gave it a C+. He said, “Dwayne Johnson’s energetic performance enlivens an otherwise by-the-numbers family comedy.”

Stephen Holden from the New York Times gave it a D+ ,stating, “Mr. Johnson, a k a the Rock, shows once again that he has no real acting talent.”

Claudia Puig over at USA Today gave it a D+ rating . She stated, “Tooth Fairy will make your teeth ache and your skin crawl.” The “Tooth Fairy” movie is in theaters now.

Get your “Tooth Fairy” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Tara the Mom says:

    That’s all well and good to say critics railed against this film, but then again, it’s not made for them. The kid critics at gave THE TOOTH FAIRY an “A” and a “B.” They are 6 and 8 years old, the age group for which the movie is intended. To read what they had to say, go to

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