Top Critics Gave New Julia Roberts Eat Pray Love Movie Mixed Reviews

Top Critics Gave New Julia Roberts Eat Pray Love Movie Mixed Reviews

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Top critics gave new Julia Roberts Eat Pray Love movie mixed reviews. Columbia Pictures released their new Julia Roberts branded comedy/drama flick “Eat Pray Love” into theaters today,and the top critics gave it some pretty mixed reviews with a couple Bs,Cs, and Ds. The movie stars: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Viola Davis, Billy Crudup, and Richard Jenkins.

Wesley Morris at the Boston Globe gave it a B. He said, “Roberts shines as a divorcee on a journey to find herself.” Roger Ebert at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a C. He stated, “shameless wish-fulfillment, a Harlequin novel crossed with a mystic travelogue.”

Michael Philllips at the Chicago Tribune gave it another C. He said, “Some may find themselves struggling to engage with Gilbert as a character.” Dezhda Gaubert from E! online gave it a C. She said, “most of what made the book connect with so many is entirely missing here.”

Lisa Schwarzbaum from Entertainment Weekly gave it a C+. She stated, “If only Roberts’ warmth, coupled with Javier Bardem’s scruffy sexiness as Felipe, were enough to compensate for the folded-map flatness of this production.”

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Sean O’Connell from gave it a B+. He said, “vibrant editing, an intelligible screenplay, and a magnetic performance by Julia Roberts keep Eat, Pray from dipping too far into self-indulgence.”

Kirk Honeycutt at Hollywood Reporter gave it a C. He said, “A heavily idealized journey of self-discovery with a pretty woman Julia Roberts, pretty scenery and a pretty shallow view of Eastern spirituality.”

Lou Lumenick at the New York Post gav eit a bad D+. He said, “there’s no real sense of an emotional journey here.” A.O. Scott at the New York Times gave it a B rating. He said, “the film offers an easygoing and generous blend of wish fulfillment, vicarious luxury, wry humor and spiritual uplift, with a star, Julia Roberts, who elicits both envy and empathy.”

James Berardinelli at Reelviews gave it a D+ rating. He said, “an overlong bore.” Mick LaSalle at the San Francisco Chronicle gave it a B rating. He said, “Pray is rough going, ideal for a bathroom break or a soul-renewing trance. But Eat and Love are cinema friendly.”

USA Today’s Claudia Puig gave it a C. She stated, “The whole journey feels like a rich girl gone slumming.” “Eat Pray Love” movie is in theaters now. Get your “Eat Pray Love” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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