James Cameron To Make ‘Avatar’ 2 and 3 Movies

James Cameron To Make ‘Avatar’ 2 and 3 Movies

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James Cameron to make ‘Avatar’ 2 and 3 movies. According to the Hollywood Reporter, director James Cameron has locked in deals with Fox to make two follow-up ‘Avatar” movies,and has revealed release dates,or years, rather.

They say that James has locked in a deal with Fox to make Avatar 2 and 3,and will be due out in theaters by December 2014 and December 2015,respectively. James stated, “It is a rare and remarkable opportunity when a filmmaker gets to build a fantasy world, and watch it grow, with the resources and partnership of a global media company.

AVATAR was conceived as an epic work of fantasy,a world that audiences could visit, across all media platforms, and this moment marks the launch of the next phase of that world. With two new films on the drawing boards, my company and I are embarking on an epic journey with our partners at Twentieth Century Fox.

Our goal is to meet and exceed the global audience’s expectations for the richness of AVATAR’s visual world and the power of the storytelling. In the second and third films, which will be self contained stories that also fulfill a greater story arc, we will not back off the throttle of AVATAR’s visual and emotional horsepower, and will continue to explore its themes and characters, which touched the hearts of audiences in all cultures around the world.

I’m looking forward to returning to Pandora, a world where our imaginations can run wild.” The sequels will be produced by Cameron and Jon Landau for Lightstorm Entertainment.

Tom Rothman who is one of the Chairmen for fox Film Entertainment, stated, “AVATAR is not only the highest grossing movie of all time, it is a created universe based on the singular imagination and daring of James Cameron, who also raised the consciousness of people worldwide to some of the greatest issues facing our planet,” Follow us on Facebook for more movie,entertainment news,and more by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Shows and Movies on dvd or blue ray disc by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Maybe this time he’ll get a much deserved Oscar for best director!

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