New Johnny English Reborn Movie Brought Good Comedy,Action,Suspense & More

New Johnny English Reborn Movie Brought Good Comedy,Action,Suspense & More

johnny english reborn movie poster image

New Johnny English Reborn movie brought good comedy,action,suspense & more. Universal Pictures released their new action/comedy flick “Johnny English Reborn” into theaters this weekend. I just got done checking it out,and I thought it was pretty good. I liked the comedy,coupled with the clever action scenes it delivered,and the plot had a lot going on with it. The movie stars: Rowan Atkinson, Gillian Anderson, Dominic West, Rosamund Pike,and Daniel Kaluuya.

In the flick, former MI-7 agent Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) is seen mastering his skills in a remote region in Asia,and this unique training session served up some pretty funny moments. Johnny is eventually called back into action when an attempt is made against the Chinese premier’s life.

Johnny eventually teams up with a sidekick, named Agent Tucker, to hunt down a missing key piece that’s apparently one of three parts of a full key. Johnny eventually retrieves one part of the missing key after chasing some slick Asian guy across land and water,only to get it stolen again by a different Asian guy.

Meanwhile,and old Asian lady called “The Killer Cleaner” is deployed to take out English by any means necessary. Johnny manages to,somehow, dodge the cleaner’s numerous killing attempts,and get his hands on one of the missing key parts from another guy who’s mixed up in the whole conspiracy that’s going down.

But again,Johnny loses the key to Ambrose,who is one of the main villains,but has Johnny convinced he’s on his side. Johnny eventually finds himself in a position where he has to clear his own name after Ambrose frames him into being involved in the scandal.

Johnny and his trusty sidekick Agent Tucker end up executing a creative plan to clear his name and take down the evil Ambrose before he pulls off his plan to kill the Chinese Premier. However, the plan doesn’t go off with many hitches involved that nearly costs Johnny his life. However, with the help of another beautiful ally he’s won over,he’s able to overcome the opposition in a shaky,yet successful,and comical conclusion.

I thought the movie was pretty ok to watch. It was sort of slow for me at first,but it picked up pretty quick. It offered a good mixture of comedy and action,along with an interesting plot. I gave the movie a good B- grade. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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