Big Brother 19 Jessica Kept Her Noms The Same. She Will Get Viciously Blindsided

Alright guys. The POV Ceremony went down earlier today July 24,2017 for WEEK 4. As previously reported, reigning HOH Jessica won the POV and decided to nominate Ramses and Josh for eviction.
However, her definite target is Josh and she has made it clear to Paul and the others that she will be extremely devastated if they don’t vote him out this Thursday night! Here’s where the blindside comes in. Paul doesn’t give an F how Jessica will feel. He wants to get Ramses voted out and the fix is definitely in. He has convinced Raven, Matt, Christmas, Jason, Alex and Kevin to vote out Ramses.
He left Mark and Elena in the dark about it since they seem to be sucking up to Cody and Jessica a little bit too much. And you know what they say about loose lips? Now, there was a situation that occured last night which made Jessica very suspicious to the point where she almost decided to use her veto and change up the noms!
Ramses had went to talk to her about taking him off the block and he said some things that caused her to get very paranoid about how the rest of the house might vote. There’s no one that’s really loyal to Ramses and it really got her thinking.
Jessica eventually went and talked to Elena and Paul separately. Of course, Elena made her feel more secure that they were voting out Josh because she’s not in on the blindside. However, Paul who is the leader of the whole thing did an excellent job in lying straight to her face.
So, with all that being said, the final nominations this week are Ramses and Josh. Unless something changes in the next couple of days, Ramses should be the one that we see walking out that door on Thursday night. Jessica does still have the power to stop an eviction. However, we don’t think she would waste it on Ramses even if she did somehow figured out the blindside attempt before Thursday.
Anyways, we can’t wait to see it happen because we want Jessica to totally lose her shit and go off on the whole house. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.