Big Brother 19 Special Safety Winner And Eviction Nominations For August 4th Revealed

Alright, so it was quite a busy day yesterday August 4,2017. The Big Brother 19 houseguests competed in the special temptation comp that resulted from Jess accepting the hex power. This contest nearly lasted all freaking day. The live feeds were off for well over 10 hours.
When they finally came back on, it was revealed that Cody had won. Conversations from various houseguests gave it away. This win gives Cody special safety from eviction this week. Jessica finished in last place so she will be a third nominee.
This means we’re going to be stuck with Cody for at least another freaking week. Believe it or not, that’s not the biggest news that happened. Apparently, reigning HOH Josh thinks that it would actually be better to try and get Elena evicted this week over Jessica. He thinks she’s very shady for trying to vote him out when he was on the block. He also thinks that her social game is very dangerous. So, he wants her out before Jessica or Cody. He said he at least knows where he stands with Jess and Cody.
Josh told Paul that he was actually going to try and call Elena out at one point. However, Paul managed to talk him out of it. He also tried to tell Josh that now is not the right time to go after Elena because she could be a vote to get Cody and Jessica out. However, he tried to call Elena out, she will go ban together with Cody and Jessica. Paul also said Jess and Cody would not be good jury members because they’re too emotional.
After Paul left the room, Josh spoke to the cameras and was still talking about trying to get Elena out this week instead of Jessica. This leads us to who Josh decided to nominate for eviction alongside Jessica. He chose to throw Mark and Elena on the block. Currently, the house still has control over who goes home.
But we still have the Power Of Veto that needs to be played. If Jessica wins, she’ll obviously use it to pull herself off the block, and no one will replace her since she’s the 3rd nom. The thing is if Josh wins it, he’s actually thinking about saving Jessica so he can get a crack at sending Elena home this week!
We think Paul will stay in his ear enough to not let that happen if that particular scenario arises. There was also a conversation where Elena called Josh out on his BS. Apparently, he tried to tell her that he nominated her as a pawn because he thinks she’s one of the best competitors there as far as comps go.
She told him she’s a straight shooter and that reason doesn’t make any sense at all. She hasn’t won any comps to date and it’s just not factual. She told him to just be honest with her and say that he put her up because she tried to vote him out. Josh wouldn’t let go of the lie and swore that he thinks Elena is a good comp competitor.
If Jess, Cody or Josh win this POV tomorrow, things could get real interesting. The plan for Paul and his minions is to vote Jess out this Thursday night provided she’s still on the block. Again though, Josh might try to pull something crazy if he wins because he definitely wants Elena to go over Jess.
The POV comp is scheduled to take place later on today sometime August 5th. We’ll definitely let you guys know what the results are. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.