‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Bill To Get Very Vicious With Liam & More, New Details

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Bill To Get Very Vicious With Liam & More, New Details

Alright, so we recently got our hands on some new spoiler scoops from CBS. These are due to take place later this week and on into next week. A couple of them definitely caught our attention. Apparently, Liam is going to cause some trouble for Bill at some point because he doesn’t like the scandal he’s trying to pull in regards to Caroline.

In the Friday August 11,2017 episode, we’re supposed to see a big intense scene take place between Liam and Bill. The CBS description indicates that Bill is going to go as far as to threaten Liam! Unfortunately, they kept their description very vague and didn’t reveal the details of this threat but it definitely sounds like it could be quite serious.

Not only will Liam’s rebellion cause issues with Bill. It will also cause problems between he and Steffy. Apparently, Steffy wants the plan to move forward as they tell us that Steffy will want Liam to keep his mouth shut about it. Also, in the Monday August 14,2017 episode, we’re going to see a big fight scene between Liam and Steffy! They will be arguing over what Bill is doing.

So, get ready to see those fireworks go off as this crazy plotline continues to play out this week. In related news, we have some details about what crazy Sheila will be up. Apparently, she’ll be plotting out a way for her to become Eric’s new wife at some point! This week’s preview clip showed her kissing and hugging up on him. So, we’re definitely going to see that scandal get even juicier in the coming days and possibly weeks.

Some other interesting teasers that were mentioned is that Steffy will rub Sally’s face in all the troubles she’s currently experiencing. So, she will be very ruthless. We might see a catfight between these two. We’re also going to see Bill come up with a back-up plan later on down the road. That sounds very intriguing.

As for this Monday’s August 7,2017 episode, we’re going to be seeing more of this Wyatt and Katie romance action take place when date plans are made. We’ll also see a Steffy and Ridge confrontation over Quinn. So, definitely get prepped for that drama. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

Derek Smith
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