New Big Brother 19 Eviction Nominees Revealed Yesterday August 25th

Hey, Big Brother fans. Yep, it’s true. It’s damn true. The eviction nomination took place for the season 19 houseguests yesterday, August 25th,2017. As previously reported, Jason is the current HOH after winning the hot dog bun endurance challenge that didn’t even last a whole hour.
From watching their conversations on the live feeds the previous night, we already knew Jason and his sidekick Alex’s plans going into this nomination ceremony. They wanted to nominate Matt and Raven. And Jason did just that. He threw those two on the chopping block. what’s really interesting about all this is they are making Raven and Matt think that Kevin is the main target for a backdoor move this week.
They really want to just straight up get rid of either Matt or Raven. Preferably, they want to go ahead and send Matt out the door before Raven because they think he’ll be a bitter vote if they send Raven home before him. They’ve got Matt so fooled that he even suggested they take Raven off the block if they win the veto. He wants to be the pawn again for what he thinks will be a backdoor attempt against Kevin. Ha! Ha!
Also, we may see fireworks at the POV ceremony if neither Raven or Matt win the POV because we’re hearing that Jason has plans to just keep Raven and Matt’s noms the same and not even putt Kevin up there. If that happens, Raven and Matt will then know one of them are the main targets.
I was thinking that they would pull Raven or Matt off no matter what and put Kevin up there as a pawn to make sure Raven and Matt think they’re safe until this Thursday night. They may still do that but I’m currently hearing something different. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Actually, yep according to some conversations that went down yesterday, the plan is to try to make sure Raven and Matt don’t win veto and just leave them up there during the POV ceremony thus letting them know early on that one of them is definitely going home on Thursday night.
At around 6:45 pm pacific time, Josh and Paul had a little celebration. Paul told him to keep things quiet and that everyone should try to win the veto. At around 8:28 pm, Josh said if he wins veto he will not use it. At around 8:30 pm, Jason and Paul had a discussion about possibly throwing the veto to Kevin because they know he wouldn’t use it. Later, Josh joined their conversation and he was told to throw the veto to Kevin as well.
At around 8:57 pm, Josh asked Paul if he or Christmas might be the real target. Paul told him,”No, you are 100 percent safe this week. We wouldn’t even have the votes to evict one of you.” at around 9:20 pm, Josh, Alex and Paul all agreed the veto should not be used if anyone other than Matthew or Raven win it.
At around 9:45 pm, Paul asked Jason if they could throw the veto to Josh because he won’t use it. Jason said, “Sure.” At around 10:02 pm, Jason revealed to Paul how annoyed he is with Kevin and even suggested possibly pulling Raven off and putting Kevin on the chopping block just to scare him. Paul replied with, “We don’t need to ruffle feathers so nominating Kevin right now isn’t worth it.”
At around 10:50 pm, Alex told Jason, “As soon as Matthew and Raven are both out of the veto comp to let Josh or Kevin win it.” At around 11:20 pm, Josh asked Paul if they should try to win the veto comp. Paul said, “ We have to win and can’t use the veto.” Josh said, “Matt and Raven will be so upset.”
At about 1:58 am today, August 26th, Paul and Jason had another conversation. In this one, they talked about how Jason can act shocked when Matt or Raven goes home. Jason said, “I doesn’t care which one goes but Matt would be the better choice.”
Earlier yesterday at around 4:10 pm, the houseguests did more complaining about how annoyed they are with Matt and Raven. Paul said, “I don’t like her talking about last season since she wasn’t there.” At around 4:20 pm, Raven started yelling over storage being restocked. This annoyed the houseguests even more and they all just tried to avoid her at this point. It also made Christmas start to wonder if they should just get rid of Raven before Matt instead. Ha! Ha!
At around 6:40 pm, Paul lied to Raven’s face by reassuring her that Jason will pull her off the block if he wins the veto. Raven fell for it hookline and sinker. She suggested that Kevin knows he’s the real target. So, she’s clueless. Also, at about 7:05 pm, both Raven and Matt agreed that they can trust Paul. Man, are they in for a rude awakening.
The Power of Veto is scheduled to be played later on today August 26th. We have no idea when because they always switch up the times. But we’ll definitely let you guys know the results of it as soon as we find out. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.