New Big Brother 19 HOH Winner Was Revealed Last Night, September 7th

Alright, so the Big Brother season 19 houseguests finally competed for the new HOH a couple of hours after last night’s big September 7,2017 Double Eviction episode which finally sent Jason and Raven out the door and on their way to the jury house.
Alex won the Double Eviction HOH which rescued her from a Double Eviction outing. But, she’s still very much in trouble because neither Paul, Josh and Christmas are on her side. And Kevin definitely isn’t with her after all the crap she’s done to him. What’s worse is Alex is still in the dark when it comes to Paul. She still thinks he’s working with her. She even called him her new ride or die!
With all that said, Josh pulled out the HOH win. So, he is our new HOH for this week. This will of course keep Paul in the clear once again from having to put anybody on the block and get his hands dirty. Their target is of course Alex. They actually wanted to get her out before Raven but that plan was foiled when Alex pulled out the HOH victory in the LIVE Double Eviction episode.
The only thing that will possibly save Alex from getting evicted this week if she wins POV. If that happens, Kevin will be their next target. Alex will definitely have to win her way into the final four. Seeing the way she beasts these competitions, that is quite possible.
She actually didn’t show any anger towards Christmas and Josh for sending her partner Jason home. She asked to team up with them to get Kevin out. So, she still thinks they would be willing to work with her even after that huge backstabbing they delivered to her partner Jason in the Double Eviction. They definitely want to keep Kevin around because they feel like they can beat him in competitions since he’s never won any of them.
Paul is still in the clear with Alex just in case she does happen to win. He and Josh pulled off a staged fight after they sent Jason packing last night. The fight made Paul look like he didn’t know what happened. It made Josh appear that he flipped and worked with Christmas to get Jason out without Paul’s knowledge. It was in sane.
Alex bought it hookline and sinker. They didn’t show this, but we’re guessing that Paul probably told Alex during one of the breaks to put up Kevin and Raven which is why we got those awful nominations last night. It was probably all Paul’s plan. We definitely know that’s what he wanted to happen.
It’s expected that Josh will nominate Alex and Kevin later on today at the Nomination Ceremony. We’ll have to wait and see to be sure. We’re going to go over some of the conversations that took place on the live feeds last night.
At around 7:20 pm pacific time, Alex told Paul and Christmas, “I don’t want revenge. I want to play with you against Kevin.” At around 7:25 pm, Alex did raise some questions to Josh and Paul about who is to blame for Jason’s eviction. Josh tried to blame Kevin for it. Alex told them, “Don’t backdoor me. Just tell me upfront so I don’t cry on live TV.” Josh told Alex, “Jason told me he didn’t have my back.”
At around 7:30 pm, Paul told Kevin that everything is still ok. Kevin said, “I will not say anything.” Paul told him, “Don’t try to win HOH. You will probably go up against Alex.” Kevin actually agreed to go along with that awful advice. Unbelievable. That means he will not try to win HOH during final five. Wow.
At around 7:35 pm, Josh said, “All three of us should tell Alex together if she doesn’t win veto. I want it to be a group discussion this week.” At around 7:40 pm, Alex told Paul, “Your the only one I trust now.” Paul told Alex, “I wasn’t involved in what just happened.”
Alex said, “ I did consider for a moment that you might be playing me too but now I don’t think so.” Alex said, “I don’t trust Christmas.” Paul played into that idea by telling her, “I would’ve been evicted instead of Jason if I had gone up.” Alex told Paul, “You are now my ride or die.”
After that, the feeds cut out for about three hours while the houseguests played the HOH competition. At around 10:28 pm, the feeds cut back on to reveal that Josh had won. At around 11:09 pm, Paul again told Kevin to trust him. Kevin said, “We could have won that HOH easy.” Paul said, “We can’t let Alex win the veto. That’s what’s important and we should focus on that.”
At around 11:14 pm, Josh told Paul, “Kevin seemed nervous and didn’t seem like he was trying to throw the HOH.” Paul asked Josh, “You know what you need to do?” (nominate Alex and Kevin). Josh said, “Yes.”
At around 11:40 pm, Paul and Josh had another conversation about the best case scenario for this week. Paul said, “I hope Kevin wins POV so we can get Alex out. I’m ready to win this next HOH.” At around 1:25 am today, September 8,2017, Kevin tried to ask Paul who’s going up next. Paul didn’t tell him what their plan is. So, Kevin is in the dark and he should be. He doesn’t do anything. All he’s done is just ask Paul what he should do next. It’s pathetic.
At around 3:40 pm, Another one of these pathetic conversations took place between Kevin and Paul. Kevin asked Paul, “If I’m up against Alex will they vote her out?” Paul said, “Yes they will.” Alright, that was it for the main game discussions that took place after the big Double Eviction last night. For the rest of the night, they pretty much just got drunk and goofed around until about 5:15 am.
So, just to recap, Josh won the HOH for this week. The plan is to definitely get Alex out next because she is a strong competitor. They want to keep Kevin over her because they definitely think they can easily get rid of him next since he’s never won a competition. They’re probably right too. The only thing that could rattle this plan is if Alex wins the POV. We suspect Paul will work hard on making her feel safe enough to not to play hard for the veto. She still stupidly thinks that they will target Kevin over her this week.
The Nomination ceremony is expected to take place at some point today. When it’s all said and done, we expect to see Alex and Kevin to be on the chopping block. Of course, we’ll be able to confirm this when it actually happens. So, we’ll definitely be back with a full report on that later on today or tomorrow depending on how late they have it. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.