Big Brother 19 Host Julie Chen Revealed Who She Thought Should’ve Won Between Paul & Josh

Recently, Entertainment Weekly did another interview session with the host of long time running CBS’s hit reality series Big Brother Julie Chen (above). Apparently, they had a weekly thing going on with Julie where she answered their latest questions about the season 19 Big Brother season.
In their latest question and answer segment, we were able to find out who Julie thought should’ve actually won between houseguests Paul Abrahamian and Josh Martinez.
It turns out that she did indeed agree with a lot of other Big Brother fans that Paul should’ve won. She said he was robbed in the finale show. However, she also pointed out that she didn’t like how Paul acted when Josh was trying to give his speech. She also thought Paul should have shown more remorse in his final plea to the jury.
Entertainment Weekly kicked off this latest Julie Chen interview by saying, “Well, they say to expect the unexpected on this show, but how shocked are you that the jury voted for Josh over Paul especially considering Josh got votes from people like Cody and Mark that he tormented inside the house?”
Julie revealed that she thought Paul would either get a landslide of the votes or that Josh would win by two votes. She was shocked that Alex and Cody didn’t vote for Paul especially since Alex is a big gamer.
Julie stated, “I didn’t know what to expect with the jury votes. Honestly, I thought this will be either a landslide for Paul, or Josh wins by a vote of two. The only locks I thought Paul had were Raven and Matt. But, I thought Alex would bury the hatchet being the gamer she is and that Cody would also respect and recognize that Paul truly did outplay everyone. No dice. Not even from Mark who seemed so level-headed when it comes to being about who played who and who was running the show.”
Next, they asked the direct main question, “Do you think the jury made the right decision?” Julie straight up answered that question be saying she thought the jury definitely made the wrong choice and that Paul was robbed.
She stated, “I think the jury made the wrong choice. Paul was robbed. But Josh was no slouch. He won competitions, had a conscience and didn’t mislead people in the same slick way that Paul did.”
After that, Entertainment Weekly said, “Paul looked shell-shocked by the vote. Being there, what was your take on how stunned and disappointed he was?”
Julie revealed that she thought Paul was definitely embarrassed and upset by the outcome of the voting. She could totally feel his frustration. She stated, “More than stunned. I think Paul was embarrassed and upset. But more embarrassed than anything. You could feel his frustration with himself for miscalculating how the jury would ultimately vote. He should have shown more remorse in his final plea to the jury. And he shouldn’t have been making faces during Josh’s speech to the jury.”
Next, they talked a little bit about Cody winning America’s Favorite Player. Entertainment Weekly said to Julie, “Speaking of surprises, what do you think about Cody winning the fan favorite vote even though he was out of the house pretty early twice!
Julie revealed that Cody didn’t just win it. He won by a whole freaking lot! She thinks people really responded to his straightforwardness stating, “Cody not only won America’s Favorite Houseguest, but he won by a lot! Wow. I guess people responded to him suddenly being the underdog and being persona non grata in the house. He was also not a phony. He was straightforward with people. If he didn’t like you, he told you to your face for better or worse. People responded to his honesty if you will.”
To wrap up the interview, they talked a little about the new, upcoming Celebrity Big Brother edition that’s coming this winter 2018. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any spoilers to give away. They just asked her who one of her dream celebrity contestants would be. Julie responded by telling them, “One dream celebrity in the house? Andrew Dice Clay.”
We definitely think Andrew Dice Clay would be pretty entertaining. Hopefully, some more solid details on Celebrity Big Brother will start popping up in the next couple of weeks or months. As soon as something turns up, we’ll certainly let you guys know about it. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.