A Former Big Brother Houseguests Just Got Their First Child. First Big Brother Death Happened & More

Hey,Big Brother peeps. According to a new report from Entertainment Weekly, another one of the former houseguests just got their first child. That houseguest is none other than the muscle man himself from seasons 10 and 11 Jessie Godderz (above bottom row center). Jessie has also shown up to do special appearances on the show. He was mostly brought back to annoy people with his muscle poses and what not.
Now, he’s a new father to a baby boy! The boy’s name is Lucas Princeton. Jessie gave Entertainment Weekly a very heartfelt statement about his new son saying, “I couldn’t be happier. I now fully understand what the expression ‘beaming with pride’ means. Whenever I look at him, I am overwhelmed with love and devotion. He has my unconditional love and support forever. He truly is my world.”
Entertainment Weekly pointed out that Jessie first shared the great news on his social media accounts this past Saturday, January 6,2018. For privacy reasons, Jessie did not reveal the baby’s actual birth date nor the identy of the mother. However, he did reveal that the baby was born weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces. He also measured in at 22¼ inches long.
Jessie also explained how he and the mother came up with the name Lucas Princeton. He stated,”I always loved the names Lucas and Prince, so we ultimately decided to name him Lucas Princeton.”
In addition to Jessie’s new baby news, Entertainment Weekly revealed some fun facts about Jessie’s Big Brother history. Remember when I mentioned earlier that Jessie has returned to Big brother numerous times for guest appearances? Well, it turns out that he actually holds the record making the most annual appearances on the show than any other Big Brother star in history.
He’s come back a total of six times thus far and could very easily be brought back again due to the nature in which he is usually brought back. Again, he’s usually brought back as some form of punishment that the houseguests must endure. It’s usually quite comical.
Outside of Big brother, Jessie decided to become a professional wrestler, and he now stars in one of the Amazon Prime series labeled, “Tainted Dreams.” You guys can see a photo of Jessie and his new baby on Entertainment Weekly’s site by Clicking Here.
Unfortunately, along with the happy baby news, we have some very sad news for the Big Brother community. According to a recent report from Buddytv.com, Big Brother has experienced its first death. One of the former houseguests from way back in season 2 has passed away.
His name was Kent Blackwelder. Most of you new fans won’t know who the hell I’m talking about. But for all of you life-long fans, you’ll recall that he played with the great Dr. Will Kirby back in the summer of 2001. So, that was like 17 long years ago now. My, how time flies.
Buddy TV’s report reveals that Kent passed away two days before Christmas on December 23,2017. He was 62 years old. So, he was probably around 46 years old when he competed on Big Brother. He is indeed the first of the former Big Brother houseguests to pass away. We have to admit we didn’t think he would be the first. There have been some much older people than him to compete on the show.
During Kent’s season, he was the oldest person in the cast. He had a couple of controversial moments when he made questionable comments about people who live “alternative lifestyles.” In other words, gay people. However, his views changed when he became close friends with gay houseguest Bill “Bunky” Miller.
In fact, Bunky took the time to make a very heartfelt Facebook statement regarding Kent’s passing. He wrote,”I visited Kent Blackwelder and his amazing family in 2003 at their home in Knoxville TN on my way to CA. Then this past October, after 14 years, I went back there to see Kent and his family. It was a great reunion.
Lots of love and laughs. And I was so proud and honored to attend the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus’s Lavender Pen Tour concert in Knoxville with them. I never dreamed this would be the last time I would see Kent. My heart is broken. Kent and I were 2 completely different men who built a bridge. And Kent came a lot farther across that bridge than me. Thank you for your love, respect, and friendship, you Old Fart. Love, the Big Homo #RIPBB2Kent #ILovedTheOldFart #SweetAndSourForever”
Bunky also posted photos of his recent visit to see Kent. You can view those on Bunky’s official Facebook account by Clicking Here.
During season 2, Kent finished in seventh place lasting a total of 40 days in the house. He was unanimously voted out the week after he won the Head Of Household competition. Big Brother has had over 250 people compete on the show, and poor Kent is the first one to bite the dust. He was a mortgage broker in Powell, Tennessee. There was no mention on the cause of his death. Whatever it was, it was very unfortunate. Rest in peace Kent Blackwelder.
On to some more happier news, we want to remind you guys that Celebrity Big Brother is set to kick off in just under a month now. It’s going to debut on Wednesday night, February 7,2018 at approximately 8 pm eastern standard time. The season will be extremely short only lasting until Sunday night, February 25, 2018. However, it will be more fast paced, and we’re getting around five episodes a night. So, this 18-day season will feel more like 45 days.
The Celebrity Big Brother schedule is as follows: (Premiere) Wednesday night, February 7,2018 at 8 pm to 9 pm eastern standard time. Thursday night, Feb 8,2018, at 8pm to 9pm. Friday night, February 9,2018 from 8 pm to 10 pm. Sunday night, February 11,2018 at 8pm to 9pm, Monday night, February 12,2018 at 8pm to 9 pm. Wednesday night, February 14,2018 at 8pm to 9pm. Friday night, February 16,2018 at 8pm to 10pm.
Sunday night, February 18,2018 at 8 pm to 9pm. Monday night, February 19,2018 at 8 pm to 9 pm. Wednesday night, Feb 21,2018 at 8 pm to 9 pm. Friday night, February 23,2018 at 8pm to 10 pm. Saturday night, February 24,2018 at 8 pm to 9 pm and on Sunday night, February 25,2018 they will wrap up everything with a huge two-hour finale show. It will air from 8 pm to 10 pm eastern standard time.
Earlier today, Big Brother Network posted a whole bunch of first-look photos of the Celebrity Big Brother backyard. Apparently, they have decided to build a roof over the backyard area to prepare for the colder night time temperatures of around 40 degrees in Burbank, California.
In the day time, they should be fine with an average temperature of around 70 degrees. You guys can view the new Celebrity Big Brother backyard photos over at Big Brother Network by Clicking Here.
We’re definitely expecting to get some more details about the Celebrity season the farther along we get into this month. In other words, any day now, we’re expecting to hear some new things. However, with this type of show, it’s not uncommon for the Big Brother producers to scramble around for castmembers up to two weeks before premiere night. I suspect things are even twice as hard when dealing with busy celebrity houseguests.
Anyways, we’ll have to wait and see what these upcoming weeks will bring us in terms of new updates. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.