Grey’s Anatomy Jackson Avery Star Jesse Williams Spoke Out About April & Arizona Cut

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. I hope you guys are having a great weekend. We’ve got some new intel via the TV Line folks in regards to Jessica Capshaw aka Arizona Robbins and Sarah Drew aka April Kepner’s recent layoff. In this edition, it’s revealed that actor Jesse Williams (above) who plays character Jackson Avery on Grey’s Anatomy hit up his official Twitter account to express his feelings on the matter.
To put it in shorts terms, he think it absolutely sucks! He had actually posted a couple of tweets. The first one consisted of the following words: “Sarah and Jessica are easily among my very favorite people and coworkers, so this news f@#ckin sucks. Their immense talent speaks for itself but it’s them as people that I’m so grateful to know, privileged to have worked with and learned from.” You guys can view that tweet on Jackson’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
In Jesse’s second tweet, he expressed how much he will dearly miss them. He wrote, “To say they’ll be missed is a massive understatement. Luckily for all of us, we’ll get to see these artists continue bringing compelling and complex characters to life for many moons to come! #OurWorkIsForever”
Jesse’s character Jackson has been April’s love interest on the show for quite a while. He’s now dating Maggie, but Jackson and April do have a child together. So, it’ll be very interesting to see what they’re going to do with that situation as April departs from the show. As previously reported, it’s not yet clear what April and Arizona’s exits will look like, but we should start to see a few of hints in these next couple of episodes because the show only has about 8 episodes left to go before season 14 wraps up.
Recently, the showrunner for Grey’s Anatomy Krista Vernoff did a bit of a rant on her official Twitter page to address news speculation that Jessica and Sarah were let go to pay for main Meredith Grey star Ellen Pompeo’s new pay raise of $20 million dollars for two seasons.
Krista was quite ticked off at the possible accusation. She wrote, “The suggestion in the Deadline article that our cast changes are in any way related to Ellen Pompeo’s salary renegotiation is wrong and hurtful and misguided.
It smacks of an old, broken, patriarchal notion that women must be pitted against each other, and that one woman’s success will be costly to others. Ellen Pompeo has not only advocated passionately for her fellow cast members, she has taken the time to educate women worldwide as to how to advocate for themselves, and that must now be twisted.
The decision to make changes to our cast was a creative one. The only thing as constant on Grey’s Anatomy as Ellen Pompeo is our penchant for reinvention. It is a part of our success and what keeps the show exciting. We love these actresses, and we love these characters,and it felt true and right creatively to wrap up their stories. And that is the whole story.”
TV Line also pointed out some other additional things Krista had to say in regards to Sarah and Jessica’s layoff. She stated, “As writers, our job is to follow the stories where they want to go,and sometimes that means saying goodbye to characters we love. It has been a joy and a privilege to work with these phenomenally talented actresses.”
On a more brighter note, you guys can look forward to seeing a brand new episode 17 of Grey’s Anatomy this coming Thursday night, March 29, 2018 in the usual 7 pm central standard time slot on ABC.
ABC gave a little teaser description of it which reads like this: “April’s crisis of faith is challenged by a patient she treats who is a rabbi, and Meredith treats a patient who is a transplant surgeon from another hospital.” Episode 17 is entitled, “One Day Like This.”
Also as previously reported, the current ratings for Grey’s Anatomy’s 14th season looks pretty great. The numbers aren’t quite as strong as last year’s season 13 numbers, but they’re pretty damn close. That means the show is highly likely to get renewed for a new season 15!
ABC hasn’t officially made the renewal announcement yet, but we’re expecting good news when they finally do. We’re looking for them to do it around late May 2018 at the latest. It could come much sooner though. We’ll definitely let you guys know when they do.
Grey’s Anatomy airs on Thursday nights at 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here.