New Big Brother Season 20 First HOH Reportedly Already Leaked

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. We’ve got some crazy news for you guys today. As previously reported,the Big Brother season 20 houseguests already entered the house this past Wednesday night, June 20, 2018 (a week before the televised premiere date).
Now, It turns out that the very first Head Of Household winner of the new 20th season as already been leaked! The folks over at Big Brother Network are saying that a very reliable source on the Reddit forums that goes by the username “vegasforsure” is the one that leaked the news.
Apparently, this “vegasforsure” user was the same person that leaked out that Megan Lowder had quit the game last season 19. So, with that said, the first HOH for season 20 is reportedly Tyler Crispen. For those of you who don’t know who he is yet, he’s the surfer-looking dude with the long blonde hair. You can view his photo over on CBS’ site by Clicking Here.
Now again, we must tell you guys that this is an unofficial report. We don’t know if he’s the HOH 100 percent. This is just what’s being reported. Along with this HOH news, comes some more rumored reports from this same “vegasforsure” user.
He or she is claiming that no one has been evicted yet which means CBS has fortunately decided to be fair this year and give everyone some adequate amount of time to play the game. If you’ll recall, the past two seasons in a row, they evicted someone on the very first night. In season 18, it was poor Glen Garcia. In last season 19, it was Cameron Heard.
The “vegasforsure” user is also reporting that no one has even been nominated yet. The first nominations will reportedly take place this Sunday, July 1, 2018. Then last but most certainly not least, the “vegasforsure” source is claiming that no past houseguests have joined the new cast which is absolutely great if it’s true. There were some rumors going around that four past houseguests might get selected to join the cast, and we were just praying that they weren’t true. If this “vegasforsure” report is true, our prayers have been answered. Thank the Lord!
Big Brother Network pointed out once again that this “vegasforsure” source has been very solid in the past with their reports. But again, it is still an unofficial report. So, be sure to keep that in mind.
More about Tyler Crispen who is the reported first HOH. He’s just 23 years old from Rossford,Ohio. He currently resides in Hilton Head, South Carolina. His occupation is “Lifeguard.” He told CBS the three adjectives that best describe him are: resilient, charismatic, and questionable.
Tyler said his strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Get in tight with someone opposite of me, divide the house with them on one side and me on the other, get intel from their side from them while making sure they keep me safe by making them feel like I’m keeping them safe. Then, cut them in Final 4 when the time is right and take credit for the whole thing.”
Tyler said he thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother House is: “Getting people to believe anything I say. When I’m lying, people think I’m telling the truth, but when I’m telling the truth, people think I’m lying.”
Also in his interview with Ika Wong from Big Brother Canada, he said, “I’m not determined to win the first HOH, but if I get a sense that I might not be too safe and secure then I’d go for it.” So, it sounds like Tyler might have not meshed too well with the other houseguests and thought he should go ahead and take that first HOH win. We’ll have to wait until the premiere episode to see exactly how things went on that first night. After that, we’ll have the live feeds, and we can give you guys some daily reports.
So, what do you guys think about Tyler Crispen possibly being the very first HOH of season 20? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? For me, I kinda just don’t care right now being that it’s just the first week. I’m actually more interested in seeing who he’ll end up putting on the block. We’ll know more once we start getting into the live feeds and stuff.
Also, what do you guys think about there possibly being no evictions on the first night this time? I know we’re ecstatic about it. I’ve always hated when production did that to people especially when you consider all the stuff they have to go through to get on the show. It’s just a lousy thing to do.
Anyways guys. That’s all we’ve got for this report. Again, the big two hour premiere of Big Brother season 20 is still set to air this Wednesday night, June 27, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.