Big Brother Season 24 Monte & Taylor Started Up A New Kissing Showmance Yesterday

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got another development to report from the Big Brother season 24 house. This one comes by way of the folks over at Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds. It turns out that Taylor and Monte have gotten a lot more close than we previously thought.
Big Brother Network is reporting that yesterday morning, Tuesday, September 13, 2022, Taylor and Monte took their seemingly platonic relationship to a showmantic level. It was around 7:43 am pacific time when Taylor and Monte decided to go to his HOH room after talking with Turner.
They got into bed and started talking some more about how they expect this week to play out. They were also concerned about Turner because he has been expressing that he’s home sick.
After all of that, they started playing around. Apparently, Monte was trying to scare her by saying it looks like there’s a screen in one of the mirrors. Shortly after that, Taylor told Monte,”Let me know if I get too close to you because I wouldn’t want to intrude on your space.”
Monte said, “You can feel free to come soak in this bear heat.” Taylor then asked him, “Are you offering?” He said, “Yeah, look, I’m toasty.” Then, Taylor started touching his arm and said, “Yep, it’s warm.”
Monte said, “My body heat is perfect for cuddling.” Taylor said, “You can cuddle with me.” Then, at around 8:04 AM on cameras one and two, Monte and Taylor were seen kissing for at least two minutes before the LIVE feeds cut out. When the feeds returned at around 10:30 am, Monte and Taylor had fallen asleep together.
We’re not sure what this means exactly for the two of them. We just thought it was something interesting to report. It’s very late in the season. So, we don’t think it will affect their games too much, especially if they can keep their new romantic spark hidden from the remaining houseguests for the very short time that is left in this season.
It will be interesting to see if production includes this new Monte and Taylor showmance moment in either tonight or tomorrow night’s Big Brother episodes. As we previously reported, Taylor is currently on the chopping block with Alyssa, and Alyssa is Monte’s main target.
It’s expected that Monte will most likely have to break a voting tie ,this week, as Turner wants to keep Alyssa while Brittany wants to keep Taylor. Monte expressed that he always wanted to keep Taylor over Alyssa this week. We’ll see if this new, romantic development between Monte and Taylor affects that in a more positive or negative way. What do you guys think about this new Monte and Taylor showmance? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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