Big Brother August 19, 2021 Evicted Britini D’ Angelo. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 19, 2021, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother season 23 did indeed air, and another unlucky houseguest was sent packing and sent off to the jury house. We also saw a new HOH (Head Of Household) get crowned.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what happened at the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony when Kyland used his veto to save Claire and put up Britini in her place. Alyssa decided not to use her veto.
Alyssa told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I wouldn’t use my veto on anyone other than Xavier because he’s the only one that’s not against me in this game.” Claire told the private cams, “Kyland shouldn’t have put me up on the block in the first place. So, I’m not going to thank him for taking me off the block.”
Britini cried to Derek F. She told the private cams, “This is obsessive to me that I’m always on the block!” Britini told Derek F, “I’m so tired of being picked on in this house! I’ve been nominated 4 out of 6 weeks. I’ve been picked on every week in this house! I’m so frustrated!”
Tiffany told Claire, “Me and Big D aka Derek F don’t have a great, personal relationship. He’s someone I can kick out when I need to.” Claire said, “But can you though?” Claire tried to set up a plot to get Derek F voted out. Tiffany told the private cams, “Claire’s plot to get out Derek F will need to be shut down because Big D is part of the Cookout alliance.”
Derek X told the private cams, “Keeping Britini is good for our games because she would never come for us. Plus, she would be a shield for us.” Hanna told the private cams, “I can’t go along with Derek X’s plans to vote out Derek F because I’m in the Cookout alliance.”
Derek X and Claire kept trying to pitch to Tiffany why they should vote out Derek F. Tiffany told the private cams, “We might have to get rid of Derek X and Claire sooner rather than later if they keep trying to come for members of the Cookout.”
Tiffany told Xavier that Claire and Derek X want Big D gone. Tiffany told the private cams, “I could see Claire and Derek X figuring out the Cookout alliance sooner or later. So, they gotta go.” Tiffany even brought up that Derek X noticed that there aren’t any white males in jury this season. ” That’s a first,” he said.
Xavier told the private cams, “Derek X is the biggest threat. We want to get him to throw the next HOH comp.” Since it was clear that Britini is getting evicted tonight, they just showed more footage of hypothetical plans being made for next week.
After all of that, the two eviction nominees Derek F and Britini gave their plea speeches. Then, the other houseguests ,minus the HOH, casts their votes to evict.
Xavier, Hannah, Claire, Derek X, Tiffany, Sarah and Alyssa all voted to evict Britini. Azah voted to evict Derek F. So, with another landslide vote of 7- 1, Britini got evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight. She gave everyone a hug on her way out. Azah started crying over Britini’s exit.
Britini gave her exit interview to host Julie Chen-Moonves. Julie asked Britini, “Why do you think the houseguets voted to evict you?” Britini said, “With the underdog story that I have, no one was going to beat me in a final 2. So, I take it as a compliment. I’m honored.”
During her exit interview, Britini also mentioned,”Kyland’s a liar and doesn’t do deals correctly. Now the whole house knows. I felt betrayed by Claire and Tiffany because we had an alliance. A lot of people are playing scared right now. I’m really anxious to see when moves will start happening.” After that, Britini got some lovely goodbye messages from the remaining houseguests.
Next, the remaining houseguests competed in the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition. It was titled “Dash To Dinner.” It was a physical challenge that involved the houseguests having to make it through a balance beam obstacle course and ringing a buzzer without falling off. The fastest time, won. When it was all played and done, Sarah emerged as the winner with the fastest time of 21 seconds.
So, now the big question is who will Sarah nominate for eviction tomorrow, August 20, 2021? We’re not currently sure, but we will be back on here tomorrow to let you guys know.
How do you guys feel about Britini D’Angelo getting evicted tonight, and Sarah becoming the new HOH? Let us know in the comments section.
The next ,new Big Brother season 23 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 22, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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