New Big Brother Season 21 Premiere Date Already Revealed By Host Julie Chen

Hey, my fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are doing great. We are back at you with very exciting news! We have just recently learned that the longtime host of Big Brother USA, Julie Chen, recently hit up her official Twitter account to reveal exactly when we can expect the new season 21 to debut!
That’s right, guys. It’s that time of the year yet again! We’re about to see all that madness and drama return to our TV screens and live feeds for another three plus months, starting towards the end of next month.
Ok, so with no further ado, Julie Chen revealed that season 21 is going to premiere on Tuesday night, June 25, 2019 and Wednesday night, June 26, 2019 at approximately 8 pm. So, it’s going to be another two-night premiere. Be sure to mark down those very important dates on your TV show calendars.
Julie’s tweet reads like this, “The countdown begins! The #BB21 2-night premiere event airs Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26 (8-9pm). RT if you’re ready to be back in the Big Brother house!” It also features a photo of Julie riding a skateboard. She looks like she’s having a lot of fun on it too. You guys can view that tweet on Julie Chen’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
The folks over at Entertainment Weekly chimed in to reveal some other important details. They said that after the Sunday June 30th episode of Big Brother airs, the air times will land on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. We’re assuming that the LIVE eviction shows will ,once again, air on the Thursday night episodes. We love eviction nights. We’ve seen some epic ones throughout the years, haven’t we?
Entertainment Weekly also pointed out that CBS has not officially announced that there will be a new season 3 of Celebrity Big Brother. So, we’re still waiting to see if that will be a “go.”
Looking at the LIVE ratings and viewership numbers for the most recent Celebrity Big Brother season 2, they seemed to be pretty decent. It averaged 4.360 million viewers per episode and a 1.05 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics.
The premiere episode brought in 5.352 million viewers and a 1.45 ratings score. After the premiere, the numbers never got that high again. The finale episode brought in 3.861 million LIVE viewers and a 0.93 ratings score.
Actually, Celebrity Big Brother can be pretty expensive to produce since they have to pay those celebrities to do it. With that said, I could see it getting canceled because of that. Again, the LIVE ratings and viewership numbers were semi-decent, but if it’s expensive to produce, it could canceled because of that.
What makes the regular Big Brother so successful is it doesn’t cost as much to produce, and it gets good ratings and viewership numbers. They obviously don’t have to pay the regulars as much money to participate. A lot of them are just happy to get on.
Anyways, last year’s regular Big Brother season 20 averaged 5.46 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 1.51 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The season premiere brought in 5.331 million viewers and a 1.50 ratings score.
Those numbers stayed pretty much the same the entire season. The season 20 finale episode brought in 5.647 million LIVE viewers and a ratings score of 1.70. Those are terrific numbers for a summer show with absolutely no competition. As long as it continues to perform like that, it’s hard to see our beloved Big Brother ever going anywhere anytime soon.
Alright guys. How do you feel about Big Brother season 21 premiering on Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26, 2019? Are you excited about it? Let us know in the comments.
Alright, that’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tune for more.
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