Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 20, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Happy Friday. We are back on here with another very important update from inside the Big Brother season 23 house. Earlier today, August 20, 2021, the eviction nomination ceremony for this week took place, and we do have the results of it. So, we’re going to be telling you who is currently on the dreaded, eviction chopping block in this article.
As we previously reported, Sarah is currently the new HOH (Head Of Household) after winning the latest HOH competition during last night’s LIVE eviction episode, which finally sent Britini D’ Angelo packing and off to the jury house.
After Sarah completed her eviction nomination ceremony today, it was revealed that she has nominated Derek F and Claire for eviction this week with Claire being the main target. We’re hearing from the folks over at Big Brother Network that these are actually Kyland’s picks to go on the block and not Sarah’s.
So, it turn out that Kyland did effectively get in Sarah’s ear and steered her towards what he wanted instead of what she was initially planning.
We saw her on the LIVE feeds last night, mentioning that Xavier and Alyssa never listen to her, and she said she thought Alyssa feeds her lies. So, it was very much looking like she was leaning in that direction.
However, Kyland stayed up with Sarah all friggin night long into the morning hours. We saw her on the feeds talking to Kyland as late as 6 am central time, which would be 4 am their time. We were wondering if they would ever go to sleep. Kyland made sure he was in Sarah’s ear as much as he could be without ticking her off.
Sarah mentioned that she doesn’t trust anyone in the house accept Kyland, so she was just looking to nominate whoever she thinks is the worst for her game.
At around 11:10 am pacific time today,August 20, 2021, Sarah told Derek X, there’s a good chance Derek F might go if her nominations stay the same.
At around 11:17 AM, Sarah told Claire, “There’s a lot of people playing in this week’s roulette ,and there is a possibility that you will come off the block.” Claire said, “I’m not mad about it at all.”
We’ve just actually got a new update. Apparently, the High Roller’s room twist just happened, and the results are in! Alyssa won something called noms roulette during the High Roller’s room twist. Whatever it is, it caused a switch up in the nominations this week. Instead of Derek F being on the eviction chopping block with Claire. Xavier is now on the block with Claire.
Obviously, Alyssa didn’t mean to do this to who she thinks is her main ally in the game. At around 5:48 pm today, Alyssa was seen telling Xavier, “I put you on the block. It’s my fault.” Xavier said, “I’ll be all right. I would much rather it be me than you. It’s not your fault. It really isn’t.”
We’re guessing that this roulette was a spin of the wheel, and whoever it landed on had to go up on the block. Why Alyssa would want to win such random power like that is a mystery to us. We’ll have to wait until this Sunday night’s episode to air to find out.
As long as Xavier is on the block against Claire, it would be Claire that most likely goes home as the Cookout alliance would vote to keep Xavier in the game. However,there is a POV (Power Of Veto) competition that’s being played tomorrow. That could certainly change things depending on who wins it. So, we’ll have to wait and see. We’ll be back on here with the results of the POV competition on Sunday. So, look out for that report.
How do guys feel about Xavier and Claire ending up on the eviction chopping block this week? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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