‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Sally Spectra Is About To Get Really Violent Again This Week

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Sally Spectra Is About To Get Really Violent Again This Week

Happy Sunday “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’ve got a very interesting and dramatic new report to share with you guys in regards to the Sally Spectra character for this week. It turns out that somehow Sally is going to find out that Xander’s crazy ex girlfriend Zoe ,who has been recently seen endlessly petting and talking to her cat about evil plans, set her up to take the fall with those Hope cyberstalking comments.

So,later on this week, we can expect to see how Sally deals with this newfound information. Judging from the teasers we’ve read, it won’t be with words. That’s for sure. It sounds like Sally will be looking to do some bodily harm to this girl! The official description we have from CBS tells us, “Wyatt is forced to hold Sally back as she lunges in anger at Zoe.” An alternate description reads like this,”Sally attacks Zoe in anger as Wyatt intervenes.”

I mentioned in previous article that I was hoping this plotline would happen, and CBS made my dreams comes true. Anyways, we’re very interested in seeing how Sally was able to find out Zoe was the one who screwed her over. That’s a big question that we’ll be looking to see get answered. Also, will Sally be able to clear her name of the false allegations now that she knows Zoe framed her? We certainly hope she will.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Wyatt will be successful in stopping Sally before she gets a chance to strangle Zoe. We were looking forward to seeing Zoe get a beatdown. Oh well. We’ll see how close Sally gets to ripping Zoe’s head off when the episode finally airs.

Some other things to make note of this week is that Zoe will definitely be quite busy. CBS released a new, weekly preview clip for the July 16 to July 20, 2018 episodes, and it’s pretty much all about what Zoe’s going to be doing.

The clip starts out showing that Hope will be launching her fashion show. The clips says it will be the biggest fashion event of the season. Hope is seen telling her crew,”Let’s go out there and give them something that they have never seen before.” Then it features Emma dancing on stage and doing her choreography for Hope during the fashion show.

After that, the clip gets dark because they tell us, “Behind the scenes, a stalker is out to make a statement.” Then it shows Zoe creeping around. Xander s seen telling Hope, “My ex girlfriend’s in town.” Katie is seen saying, “She might be dangerous.” Xander says, “She’s known to be a little possessive.”

So, we should definitely get prepared to see some more intensely crazy stuff from Zoe this week. You guys can view the new weekly preview clip for July 16 to July 20,2018 over on Youtube by Clicking Here. We’re also hearing that someone is going to crash Hope’s fashion show and steal the spotlight. So, that sounds pretty intriguing.

CBS’ description tells us, “Thorne’s designs and Emma’s choreography come to life at the Hope for the Future Fashion show before an unexpected show stopper steals the spotlight.” An alternate description reads like this, “Thorne’s designs and Emma’s dance choreography feature in the Hope for the Future fashion show, which will have a surprise showstopper.”

The big question is who is this surprising show stopper? This sounds like a final scene type of plotline where they leave us hanging until the next episode. We’ll have to wait and see. It’s also been confirmed that Bill will officially abandon his short term “nice Bill” routine now that he’s found out about Hope’s pregnancy.

The only question we have for this is “Was there ever any doubt?” CBS’ description tells us, “Thrilled about Hope’s baby news, Bill reverts back to making trouble for her and Liam.” An alternate description reads like this, “Delighted that Hope’s pregnant, Bill starts pursuing his agenda again.”

So,it looks like we’ll see Steffy have to put up with Bill’s mess again along with knowing that Hope is trying to claim Laim. It seems like the producer are just never going to let that love triangle end anytime soon.

Alright guys.That’s going to wrap it up for this latest Bold And The Beautiful report. Are you excited to see Sally go off on crazy Zoe this week? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

The Bold And The Beautiful airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And The Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

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