New Big Brother Season 20 ‘Power Of Veto’ Winner Revealed For July 15, 2018

Happy Sunday Big Brother fandom. As previously reported, the reigning HOH Scottie decided to throw houseguests Winston and Brett on the chopping block this past Friday, July 13, 2018 at the eviction nomination ceremony because he wants one of them to definitely go this week.
Winston didn’t take his nomination very well. He threatened Scottie, telling him he just wrote his own eviction for next week. He also told him, “You better hope I don’t win veto.” You’re gone next week. No questions asked!” And yada, yada, yada! Winston claims he tried to scare Scottie. If that was his intentions, it didn’t work.
Then yesterday afternoon, July 14, 2018, the Power Of Veto competition was played. Tyler, Rachel and Angie were randomly picked to play in it along with Scottie and his two nominees for the week Winston and Brett. After everything finally played out, the live feeds cut back on to reveal that Scottie had indeed one the coveted Power Of Veto this week. So, it looks like he’s on a competition roll right now.
There’s currently no word on what the competition was since it wasn’t shown on the live feeds, and I guess not many people discussed what it entailed. So, we’ll have to wait until they air it on the TV show to find out what it was. It’s highly believed that Scottie will certainly keep his nominations the same. If that’s the case, either Brett or Winston will definitely be walking out of the house this Thursday night, July 19,2018.
The only other way both of them would get to stay is if they could convince Sam to use her special power app power on one of them. I’m also hearing from Big Brother Network that Winston and Brett are currently planning to try to present a secret final three proposal to Scottie so he will use his veto to save one of them. Apparently, this plan is so secretive that no one else would know about it.
I’m actually kind of hoping they do pull this off,and that Scottie replaces one of them with that crazy chick Kaitlyn. That would be so great because she really needs to go as soon as possible. I don’t see how anyone would think they could trust her with any plan after all that shady, flip flopping she’s pulled on her own freaking alliance.
So, who do you guys want to see get evicted this week? Winston or Brett? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Some other significant conversations took place on the live feeds after the POV comp was completed. At around 6:20 pm pacific time yesterday, July 14, 2018, Brett was seen telling Angela, “I can’t campaign against Winston.” Angela told Brett, “I’ll campaign for you ,and I expect Winston to go.”
At around 6:25 pm, Rachel told Tyler,”I trust Bayleigh.” Tyler replied with, “You just voted out Bayleigh’s showmance. So, maybe you shouldn’t trust her.”
At around 6:35 pm, Kaitlyn was seen telling Faysal,”Tyler is a big threat and I like him in this game, but I know others want him out.” At around 6:40 pm, Tyler told Kaycee he wanted her to win this season if it’s not him. So, those are some pretty strong words.
At around 7:50 pm, Haleigh and Scottie talked about wanting Brett to leave this week. At around 9:25 pm, Rachel told JC she’s campaigning for Brett to stay. She said, “Winston is not a good player nor an asset for our side.”
At around 10 pm, JC and Tyler were seen both agreeing that Brett should get voted out this week. JC told Tyler, ” I hope we can get Angie or Kaitlyn out next week. But for now, it looks like Brett is going this week.” JC also said he’s worried Kaitlyn would be a bitter Juror. I couldn’t agree with JC more. Kaitlyn definitely needs to go asap.
At around 11:10 pm, Angela and Rachel talked about Tyler working both sides outside of their L6 alliance. They think that it’s making their group vulnerable. At around 1 am today, July 15, 2018, Winston and Brett were seen trying to pitch to Scottie to save one of them, and possibly backdoor Kaitlyn. As I mentioned earlier, I would love for this to happen.I think if Winston hadn’t threatened Scottie earlier, they would have a better chance of swaying him.
As their conversation continued, Scottie told Winston and Brett, “It wasn’t just my idea to go after you. Other people were suggesting this too. I’m also concerned about what happens if we get to final three? You guys are going to pick each other over me.” Winston replied with, “If one of us goes now, you have even less of a chance of getting our help to final three.” Scottie replied with, “I’m going to have to sleep on this one and see.”
At around 1:25 am, Faysal told Scottie, “We’re about to see the third guy in a row get evicted.” So, they discussed if maybe they need to change their plans. When all was said and done, they both agreed that they need to stick with getting Winston or Brett out.
Alright guys. That’s all of the somewhat significant conversations that too place on the Big Brother season 20 live feeds yesterday and earlier today. As always, you guys can view the Big Brother season 20 live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
Next up is the POV Ceremony where Scottie may or may not use the POV to save Winston or Brett. It’s expected to take place sometime tomorrow, July 16, 2016. Be sure to stay tune for our big report on that.
Don’t forget another new episode of Big Brother Season 20 is scheduled to air tonight, July 15, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.