Big Brother Season 20 Tyler Crispen Revealed Very Shocking Things About The Final Two And More

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. We’ve got another very interesting Big Brother season 20 report to run by you guys. This time, it’s in reference to one of the most popular houseguests of this most recent 20th season Tyler Crispen!
That’s right guys. Entertainment Weekly recently got a chance to interview Tyler after the finale show this past Wednesday night, September 26, 2018. During their interview, Tyler revealed some very interesting things. One of which included why he thinks Kaycee was able to capture that very close win over him in the final two. As most of you know, Kaycee squeaked out a very close 5-4 victory over Tyler to become the 20th winner of Big Brother.
One really shocking thing Tyler revealed was that he thinks JC would’ve actually beat him in a landslide victory if it had been them two in the final two,and it wouldn’t have even been close! More of that is explained later in this article.
The first thing Tyler talked about in his interview with Entertainment Weekly was whether or not the jury made the right call in awarding Kaycee the victory. Tyler revealed that he definitely thinks Kaycee deserved to win stating, “Kaycee is one of the best people I have ever met in my life, and she honestly deserves that win. I think JC, myself, and Kaycee all deserved to be in the final three. I think any of the three of us deserved to win, and I cannot be happier for Kaycee. I cannot be happier.”
Next, Tyler revealed exactly why he thinks Kaycee was able to capture the victory over him. He thinks Kaycee was just able to make better relationships with the Foutte side of the house, and he totally gets it. He’s not bitter at all.
Tyler explained, “I think she got the nod just because she had more of a personal relationship with Bayleigh. Pretty much the other side of the house, she had a better personal relationship. Like I said, I kind of had to make some enemies because I felt like I had nothing but friends in the house. It is what it is. I’m so happy for Kaycee. I’m not bitter whatsoever that I lost. I totally get it. This is how the game works. I felt like I did everything I set out to do. I cannot be happier with myself or happier with the result, honestly.”
Tyler revealed that he actually wasn’t very shocked that Kaycee beat him because he was aware that some of the shady final two deals he made would come back to bite him in the butt. When asked if he was worried about there being some bitter votes, Tyler said, “Absolutely. That was the biggest thing I was worried about, honestly. That’s why I’m not in too much of a shock right now, because honestly I knew I was gonna be a big target. I knew I had to have people to follow me.
I knew I had to have multiple people that wanted to bring me to the end of the game because I was so good at competitions early on. I kind of set up those relationships so I could have a lot of different paths to the final two. But then, the hard part was getting the jury to understand that’s what I needed to do to get there. And Kaycee’s route was a little bit more direct and less bloody, and that’s why she took home the win. I totally get that. I totally get that.”
Tyler explained the votes that shocked him the most. He was shocked that Scottie and Faysal (Fessy) didn’t vote for him. He thought he might have Haleigh’s vote, but wasn’t sure. However, he was definitely sure Angie Rockstar and Bayleigh were voting for Kaycee to win.
Tyler explained, “You know, the votes that shocked me the most. I was unsure about Haleigh. I knew she was a super fan, and I knew if was able to explain my game play well enough, she would respect that. I was a little bit shocked that Scottie did not vote for me, and I was a little bit shocked that Fessy didn’t vote for me.
I thought I had those two. But other than that, I was sure Rockstar and Bayleigh were going to vote for Kaycee. So, that’s why when it came down to it, I was like, “Kaycee, you got this. Without a doubt.” I was worried about JC feeling a little bit bitter, but other than that, Fess and Scottie definitely surprised me.”
Interestingly, Tyler revealed that he never thought he had Sam’s vote to win the game even though he was able to fully control her in the game. Apparently, Sam always told Tyler how much she loves Kaycee during the season. So, he knew Sam’s vote was never even an option for him if he was sitting next to Kaycee.
Tyler stated when asked about Sam’s vote, “Sam had told me early in this game that she would be okay with losing to Kaycee, and she was telling me how much she loved Kaycee. So, never in my mind did I calculate Sam voting for me. I was not shocked with that one. Even though I was super close with Sam, I knew she played a very personal game. As much as I love Sam, I voted her out. She felt betrayed by me, and I knew she was going to take that personally, and I totally get that. I had always calculated Sam voting for Kaycee over me in my head.”
Tyler revealed that even though he was up 4-1 in the votes at first, once he knew Faysal didn’t vote for him, Kaycee was going to win. He stated, “I really thought Fessy was gonna vote for me and that was gonna be it, but once Fessy did not vote for me, and he voted for Kaycee, I was like, “Aw, congrats, Kaycee. You got this.” No, I’m not bitter, not mad at all, but once I saw Fess vote the other way I knew that was it. But, man, 4 to 1? You gotta be joking! You gotta be joking, man! 4 to 1? She ran away with it, though. I’m so proud of Kaycee. Kaycee is one of the best people I’ve ever met in my entire life, and she deserves it 100 percent.”
Tyler revealed exactly what the difference was between his final two with Kaycee and all the rest of the bogus final two deals he made. He revealed that he set up the final two deal with Kaycee himself on day one and was never abandoning it.
Tyler explained, “The difference between my final two with Sam, the difference between my final two with JC, and my final two with Brett. All three of them had come to me with the offer of the final two. The difference with Kaycee is on day one I went to her with that offer, and I was gonna stay true with that. So, I figured I was set up to lose either way, honestly. I thought if I would’ve taken JC, I would have lost. And I kind of felt like it was gonna be super close with Kaycee, but I had to stay true to Kaycee. I could not back stab her. Nothing but loyal to me.”
Tyler revealed more in depth why he thinks he would have lost to JC in the final two as well. He explained, “I think the fact that JC was behind pretty much every single eviction, him and I pretty much were, I’d say we were kind of behind mostly everything. We always knew what was going on. I felt like the other side of the house kind of saw that, but they still had good relationships with JC. So, I felt like they would take JC’s game play, like the fact that he didn’t win any competitions and he made it all the way to the end.
They would take that into consideration. I felt like I would’ve totally lost against JC, like not even five to four. It would’ve probably been six to two or something like that, you know? And backstabbing Kaycee would’ve just been awful, and I could have not done that.”
Tyler said he doesn’t know who he would’ve voted for if JC and Kaycee had made final two. He thinks it would’ve been really close though. When asked about who would win between Jc and Kaycee, Tyler explained,”Oh, I think it would have been tight like that way too. I really don’t know. I can’t even say who I would have voted for. It was so close. I can’t even say who I would have voted for if it was the two of them. It would have been based on their speeches. I feel like I knew both of their games to the entirety.
JC was behind the scenes, but Kaycee was loyal. JC was more manipulative, but Kaycee won the comps. It was gonna be tight no matter what, so I can’t even make that decision. Choosing between two of the best people out there, the best players of this game, would have been so difficult. I can’t even make that decision. I’ve never even thought about it in my head either because I knew Kaycee was going to take me.”
Tyler revealed exactly why he chose Kaycee for his real final two deal on day one. Apparently, he knew that they just had the exact same mindset about how to play this game, and that was just who he was looking for.
Tyler explained, “It was Kaycee because right off the bat. I just felt a vibe with Kaycee that I knew we were so similar. I knew we had the same mindset, and that was something that I was looking for in this game. I envisioned meeting somebody like Kaycee to go through this game with. I knew she would be loyal. I could tell by her mindset and just the way she carries herself how she would be, and I just went for it.
I devoted myself to Kaycee, and that was that. I pitched that to her, and that was difference between all of the other final twos. They were all brought to me. Like Sam, I was HOH, and Sam could’ve been put on the block, and she came to me and wanted to have a final two. JC, the same thing. I took me reaching out to Kaycee as more genuine than those two coming to me when I was in HOH trying to make a final two deal.”
Tyler revealed that he thought he was the most-hated houseguest of the season. So, he was very thrilled to find out that America voted him America’s Favorite Player to win the $25,000. He stated when asked about it, “That’s insane. That was the biggest shock for me, and that honestly feels like a win. Honestly. I really was so worried this whole season that America hated me. I thought I was going to be the most disliked house guest in there.
There was always just something in my head that was just like, ‘These people don’t like you, man. America doesn’t like you. You’re playing too sketchy.’ But, I felt like I just stayed true to myself. I tried to play the game as best as I can. I went like balls to the wall. I kept my secrets. I kept other people’s secrets. It’s a really good feeling to know America had my back, I guess. It’s surreal.”
Tyler said he would absolutely play Big Brother again if they asked him to come back. He stated, “Man, you know I love Big Brother. I would do it again, man. I love this game. It was fun. It was stressful, but I would totally do it again if they wanted me to for sure.”
Alright guys. That was Tyler’s rundown on the 20th season of Big Brother with Entertainment Weekly. How do you feel about his explanation of why Kaycee beat him? Let us know in the Facebook comments. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.