Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For July 14, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For July 14, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you with another report from inside the season 21 house. There’s been a lot of things going on this week including the POV (Power Of Veto) competition. It happened yesterday, July 13, 2019 in the very late evening hours, and a winner did indeed emerge.

Before we jump into who won it, it’s time for our brief recap of what led up to this POV winning moment to make sure everyone is caught up to speed on everything.

This week started off with Nick winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition this past Thursday night after the LIVE eviction of Kemi, which sent her packing to Camp Comeback to join David and Ovi.

Afterwards, a whole bunch of drama went on in the house. Kemi and Isabella aka Bella almost got into a physical fight. Nicole got pushed to the point of tears when Bella ratted out another thing she said, which caused the big Gr8ful alliance to villainize Nicole.

This time, I couldn’t really feel sorry for Nicole. She should’ve already known better than to say anything to Bella because Bella has already proven she just blabs everything to everyone.

Anyways, on Friday, July 12, 2019, the Whacktivity comp was played. It had something to do with cockroaches. Christie ended up winning it, and her prize turned out to be the Diamond Power Of Veto. It gives her the major power of being able to take someone off the block and choosing the replacement nominee at a POV Ceremony.

Nick’s nomination ceremony also took place on Friday, July 12,2019. When it was all said and done, it was revealed that he threw Cliff and Jessica on the eviction chopping block. However, he did start talking about backdooring Nicole and getting her out after Bella turned Nicole into the villain of the house.

And that leads us to yesterday evening’s POV competition. As mentioned earlier, it took place in the late, late evening hours. Christie, Jackson and Kathryn were selected to play in it along with the reigning HOH Nick and his eviction nominees Jessica and Cliff.

After everything was all said and done, it was Kathryn who emerged the winner of this POV. So, we’ve got a bit of a wildcard who possesses it now. Kathryn’s not in the Gr8ful alliance.

We’re hearing from Big Brother Network that Kathryn was actually talking about using her veto to save Jessica at one point. We’re not sure if that’s still the case as things change by the second in that house.

Needless to say, some very interesting conversations took place after the POV comp. At around 9:55 pm pacific time, July 13, 2019, Holly and Analyse told Christie, “We want to keep Nicole. Bella is the one that’s been lying. It’s not Nicole.”

At around 10:05 pm, Jack and Jackson were seen agreeing that Nicole should stay over Cliff this round. At this point, I guess they were all assuming that Kathryn is going to take Jessica off the block. Then Nick will put up Nicole as a replacement.

Jack and Jackson agreed that they still don’t know if they can trust Nicole, but they at least know she’s not with Nick and Bella. Apparently, they want to get Nick and Bella out next due to all their lies.

At around 10:20 pm, Christie and Jack were seen planning to secretly save Nicole with their six votes so they don’t have to tell the rest of the house their plan. Jackson was seen encouraging Kathryn to save Jessica with her veto.

At around 10:50 pm, Kathryn was seen celebrating with Jessica over the fact that she’s going to use her veto to save her. Kathryn told Jessica, “Instead of being your knight in shining armor, I will be your conspiring b@#tch in blue.”

At around 11:05 pm,Jackson was seen telling Christie he’s definitely down for keeping Nicole over Cliff this week.

At around 11:45 pm,Christie was seen telling Tommy, Analyse, Holly and Jack, “Bella and Nick want Nicole out because she’s exposing their lies.”

After that, they said, “We’re going to vote out Cliff. Then David will be back ,and Nicole will stay so they can all go after Nick and Bella.” They all want to get Nick and Bella out before jury because they think it will be bad for all of their games to keep them any longer than that.

Judging from all of that, it appears that everyone is fairly certain that Kathryn will take Jessica off the chopping block with her veto at the POV Ceremony tomorrow, July 15, 2019, and that Nick will replace Jessica with Nicole. Then the plan is to secretly keep Nicole over Cliff. We’ll see if that actually happens. Things can change really quick in that house.

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How do you guys feel about Kathryn winning the POV this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Again, we expect the POV Ceremony to take place tomorrow, July 15, 2019. Stay tuned for our big report on that.

The next,new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tonight, July 14, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We’re expecting to see the Whacktivity comp, Nick’s nomination ceremony, the Bella and Kemi fight and other intense footage in this one. So, tune in to watch that one if you want to see how all of that good stuff played out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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