Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Eviction Nominees For July 13, 2019 Revealed

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Eviction Nominees For July 13, 2019 Revealed

Hey again, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend. We are back at you to report the two unlucky houseguests that got nominated for eviction this week. The nomination ceremony did indeed take place yesterday evening, July 12, 2019.

Before we tell you guys who’s on the chopping block, let’s do a brief recap of this week’s events that led up to this nomination moment. This week started off with Nick winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition this past Thursday night, July 11, 2019 after Kemi got voted out of the game and sent to Camp Comeback with a landslide vote of 10-1.

Jackson threw in a hinky vote to cause confusion in the house. Everyone debated that hinky vote all night long, and it would indeed factor in to who Nick chose to nominate for eviction this week. But first, a new Whacktivity competition had to be played.

It was played out yesterday afternoon, July 12, 2019. It had something to do with cockroaches. Christie emerged the winner of it, which gave her a special power. That special power turned out to be the Diamond Power Of Veto. It’s extremely powerful.

It gives Christie the power to save someone from eviction, and to also name the replacement nominee during the POV ceremony. I think she will have this power for about 4 weeks or so, give or take. We’ll find out the exact duration during this Sunday’s July 14, 2019 episode.

This all leads us to the reigning HOH Nick’s nomination ceremony. It took place not too long after the Whactivity comp yesterday, July 12, 2019. After everything was all said and done, it was revealed that Nick chose to nominate Cliff and Jessica for eviction.

So, Cliff and Jessica are our two unlucky houseguests that are currently sitting on the eviction chopping block. However, it’s still very early. We’ve got a POV (Power Of Veto) competition that needs to played. Its scheduled to be played later on today, July 13, 2019.

How do you guys feel about Cliff and Jessica being thrown up on the eviction chopping block by Nick? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Additionally, some very interesting things happened on the Big Brother Live feeds last night after the nomination ceremony.

Some major drama started to break out at around 6:35 pm pacific time, July 12, 2019. Nicole’s name started getting thrown around to Nick and Bella that she was accusing Nick and Bella of wanting to flip during the Kemi vote.

At around 6:39 pm, Christie, Analyse, Holly and Jackson entered the HOH room. Bella started telling everyone that Nicole had a talk with some of the girls, and they said Nick and Bella were bullying her. Analyse’s name, in particular, came up. So, Analyse started freaking out,and she wanted to go get Nicole.

Christie claimed Nicole said, “Bella and Nick plays to my insecurities.” Whatever that means. At around 6:46 pm, Nicole tried to enter the HOH room, and Jackson wouldn’t let her in. He told her, “Now, is not the time.” What the hell?

That really pissed Ovi off to the point where he went to the HOH room and yelled at them that it’s not cool for them to not let people in there to talk! So, it appears that Ovi finally grew a pair.

At around 8:45 pm, Jessica was seen telling Nicole,”You are playing a very risky game, and everyone found out you’ve been playing both sides.”

At around 8:55 pm, Nick was seen talking about backdooring Nicole this week. He said, “I’d rather Jessica come off the block, and Nicole go up and out.” Whoa! What a turn of events.

At around 10 pm, Christie stupidly blabbed to Cliff that she overheard him spilling all his secrets when he was talking to himself out loud. Christie could’ve just kept that to herself and kept listening to his future sessions. But no, Christie just has too big of a mouth for that. Ugh.

At around 12:25 am today, July 13, 2019, Nicole attempted to confront Bella about her telling everyone what she said. Bella said, “I discussed it with Nick and then Tommy. From that point, I just had to tell everyone.”

I don’t know why this surprises Nicole. Bella has already proven that she can’t keep her freaking mouth shut. What is wrong with this cast? I swear the only person I like is David. I hope he gets back in the game.

At around 12:30 am, Bella ran an told Jack and Jackson that Nicole was laughing at her. At around 1:20 am, Nicole started tearing up about the whole situation. She also explained to Holly what Bella did to her.

She said, “Bella warned me that I was a target. So, I tried to warn Bella. Then she ran back and told the others. Bella did this same thing to Kemi, and it could be any of the rest of them next.”

At around 2:30 am, Analyse and Christie were seen saying they want to get Cliff out this week. They also agreed that they will try to convince Nick it’s a bad idea to vote out Nicole if she ends up being a replacement nominee.

Christie indicated that she also wants to win veto to make sure Cliff and Jessica remain the eviction nominees this week.

So, there you have it, guys. Nicole definitely ran into some trouble last night because of Bella’s big mouth. I still don’t know why Nicole thought she could ever say anything to Bella after all the crap she’s pulled. It appears that Analyse and Christie want to make sure Cliff goes, which helps out Nicole’s game.

Again, the POV still needs to be played today. Who knows? Maybe Nicole will pull off a win out of a rabbit hat, and none of this will even matter. We’ll have to wait and see. Be sure to stay tuned for our POV winner report.

You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

The next Big Brother episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, July 14, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect to see the Whactivity comp, Nick’s nomination ceremony and some other stuff featured in this episode. So, be sure to tune in for that one if you want to see all of that good stuff.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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